Comment history

Maximilianotto says...

Wishful thinking. Government needs to talk big deliver nothing except chicken beer T-shirts before next election.

Maximilianotto says...

Nothing will happen. Who would invest in this toxic mix of certain cronies owned properties. They’ll survive and wait for the right time and price. Definitely they are in the driver’s seat not public Napoleon talking.

Maximilianotto says...

Blablabla… the Haywards will sit it out. They survived Pindling they will survive Brave who as lawyer by profession knows his statements are a PR stunt not more. Freeport will suffer but Brave won’t take any personal responsibility on the damages caused. Weller already sold their land so except them having made good money nothing will happen. Waiting for 6-7-8-99 Senses who wouldn’t invest a penny into this 2000 backyard residential fake development.

Maximilianotto says...

Interesting basis for damages lawsuits laid by the PM. So let the courts decide. Tortious interference? Next BahaMar coming.

Maximilianotto says...

Let the Privy Council decide after 10 years Court proceedings and another several billion damages case against the government. Freeport will be finally destroyed. Thank you Mr. Pindling. Only a negotiated settlement makes any sense. PM will be gone in 3 years and Freeport with him.

Maximilianotto says...

CCA officials with U.S. citizenship will sing first…

Maximilianotto says...

All trials set for 2024 total $9,000,000,000 wondering what bondholders and IMF will comment.

Maximilianotto says...

Considering all damages cases the Bahamian government is involved in the sovereign debt may well go up to $20,000,000,000. $20 billion.Interesting scenarios

Maximilianotto says...

The government is near default and with the back to the wall. Ask vendors waiting for overdue payments. This announcement is just to pacify bondholders.

Maximilianotto says...

The government is near default and with the back to the wall. Ask vendors waiting for overdue payments. This announcement is just to pacify bondholders.