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Mhill says...

I think we are missing the point on this issue. The government should bring the public transportation operators to the table and establish a proper bus system. One that takes place, the people in NP can then go back and forth to work/school/errands for peanuts. Lets assume tjthat for $25 per month a person can get a pass that allows unlimited access to transportation. That will equal $300 per year. Compare that to purchasing a cheap used car for $5,000 plus all or the additional requirements like insurance, licensing, tyres, batteries, and let us not forget fuel. What about parking for those working downtown. Then instead of purchasing a car, and working to maintaining it, now is more for owning a home, paying school fees, vacations, etc. Persons will still purchase a car or just rent one. Families don't have to purchase car per person as they can share one instead. Lowering the duty on cars is not the solution, just look at the traffic situation as is now.... Imagine riding the bus with free wifi, watching a movie, using social media without having to worry about running into the car in front of them.