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Minnie says...

I'm tired of this "spying investigation" nonsense. It's time to realize that the Americans will never confess to spying on us, (Which country admits to spying?) and I don't blame them. However, the bigger question is what are we, as Bahamians, doing to stop them from spying on us even more?

On Mitchell under fire in spy row

Posted 8 July 2014, 1:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Minnie says...

B.E.C like BTC, "Lousy and Pround"

Minnie says...

It is clear that many people have not read the article by Glen Greenwald nor understand the extent of the U.S spying program. They are attempting to collect everything, e-mail, photos, text messages through the use of electronic surveillance. This goes far beyond any one political party in The Bahamas. PBS did an excellent documentary titled "The United States of Secrets". The link is below. Truth be told, The Bahamas is just being used as a test case for the technology.
We should all remember that in such a small country, everyone is connected to at least one crook and that affiliation no matter how small can cause you to become a surveillance target of the U.S. Finally, this matter should go beyond partisan politics. EVERY cell phone call means EVERY cell phone call including those between politicians, their constituents and their sweeties . It's just a hop, skip and a jump to blackmail on a national scale. This matter requires more contemplation from our politicians than we have seen so far.

**The United States of Secrets**


On Recording calls 'clearly illegal'

Posted 21 May 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

Minnie says...

"*Senior students in high school and certainly all COB students, through a foundational course of some sort, should research and study the work of minds like Mrs Glinton-Meicholas and other modern writers. Maybe then, we can move the collective consciousness.*"

Lots of words from two smart women or maybe **too smart women** the writer of this article and Glinton-Meicholas. A significant problem is in the level of uncertainty in the phrase above. ...."of some sort ..... should research......." "Maybe then"
There is no method to transform the thoughts of great minds into great works, so only stagnation and mediocrity can result. Exactly how to link her wisdom to the energy of our youth needs to be a separate lecture.