Comment history

MissKay242 says...

my point exactly!

MissKay242 says...

There is proper procedure for such thing. The Administration of COB knew what their plans were long before. Many individuals are attending COB because they can not afford it. They should have inform students well in advance and stop sending emails at 12am in the morning so many student disregard. scandal! .. & all the idiots comparing The Bahamas to the USA please stop! ... the "walking fees" .. the government maintains all facilities and if injured on a public street... that is covered by the government. non of which occurs in the bahamas. .... Furthermore, the fees and tuitions are higher .. but the students also get what they pay for.. we pay technology fees and 80% of the time the computers are unable to use and numerous other problems... and there is NO reimbursement NOR roll-over ... The fees they are increasing will not make a difference to COB's productivity or service provided by the extremely rude staff ... they will only be a burden to students.