Comment history

MoAnn says...

FNM, PLP....there's no difference in them besides the names of the persons elected. Rush to vote for WHAT?!!!! They are all puppets on a very strong string and the only interest they have is how much money and perks they can get...the Bahamian people's interest is not the priority of our politicians at all.

On Rush to register

Posted 20 July 2021, 12:28 p.m. Suggest removal

MoAnn says...

Same story, same people, different election, different generation. The PLP better learn that.
You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people, all of the time.
A promise is a comfort to a fool!!
Why do they think they can come with these same old ideas and they'll be accepted? WHY??
They really think someone is gonna believe that they will lower VAT (well maybe the fool will)
Where are they getting this money to invest in entrepreneurial developments? How much of said money will actually be used where it's supposed to be used and where are they proposing to get all this money from?
All I read here is history repeating itself....
Both PLP and FNM have nothing new to offer and the same people keep coming back and there is no room for young innovative minds to be given a chance to prove what they have to offer.
All of y'all....stay out my yard!! PLEASE!!!!

MoAnn says...

This is the most sensible comment so far but the sad thing is because kisses go by favor in this here Bahamas, as logical and sensible as this comment is, it's not going to happen. They will lock up yours and mine but when it comes to theirs, they turn a blind eye and therefore our cases will continue to rise until Covid-19 comes directly to their door.

On Lockdown 'death sentence' fears

Posted 6 October 2020, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal

MoAnn says...

What exactly are you trying to say here? This post makes absolutely no sense!!

On Lockdown 'death sentence' fears

Posted 6 October 2020, 10:18 a.m. Suggest removal

MoAnn says...

Mr. QC is trying so hard to remain relevant that he's taking on any case he thinks will keep him in the limelight!!
His negativity and pulling against everything and anything that the current Gov't does is very unattractive! Perhaps he should volunteer his services to one of the committee's seeing as he seems to have ALL the answers that the Country needs to get back on it's feet.