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Moby68 says...

I visited Cuba about 18 years ago and thought at the time that the Bahamas would be in trouble if the US ever improved its relationship with this country. I found the place to be clean, with too many tourist attractions to count! Some-one talked about lousy food and service, at least in Cuba tourist won't have to worry about getting robbed or killed as crime is very very low! With the new opportunities, the quality of food and service will increase. We need to get real people, crime is the nagging sore in our country. How we can implement VAT or anything else is mind boggling when we have not addressed crime. What do you think will happen next year? Deal with the negative catalyst that has us in the position we are in now, and when you clean that up find the root cause and deal with that.

Moby68 says...

It's so sad that she won't fight right there in the USA for her fellow country men who the US has not afforded the same rights as they give the Cubans.