Comment history

MonkeeDoo says...

No one has ever explained whether there was any connection between FTX redeeming one hundred million dollars at the 11th or 13th hour, either before or after His Lordship Loran Klein lowered the boom and declared FTX in liquidation, and then very soon after, the investment of a similar amount of money ($100,000,000.00) being invested in a Bahamas Foreign Currency Bond issue. The mandate for Premium Dollars was also waived by the Central Bank. Was it the same money ? Were the subscribers the same people ?. How did Bahamians get permission to invest in crypto ? Did Bahamians invest in these Foreign Currency Bonds?. On Maturity of the Bonds, will the money be converted to Bahamian Dollars ?.

MonkeeDoo says...

Commonwealth Brewery were Golden when the PLP were in power and they got special percs and passes. Friends Family and Lovers, but things changed since Hanna died so you just gotta compete.

MonkeeDoo says...

Sip sip says that these left wing editorials are written by someone actually working in the Tribune. When they reprint something it is normally acompanied by a credit to the originator. I think that it is fully appropriate when it is not Eileen Carron writing, that the writer should take full credit and whatever else is coming. If not then write a letter to the editor and use a nom de plume. Then it doesn't backfire on Mrs Carron.

MonkeeDoo says...

We are an extremely fortunate country to have been chosen by this esteemed group to come year after year to sail in our waters.

MonkeeDoo says...

We are doomed. We raised Hell with the last set but the Auditor General remarks are now yesterdays news and will be forgotten by Friday. No penalty for corruption in the Bahamas !

On Bahamians must 'raise hell' over govt waste

Posted 22 October 2018, 11:17 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Some men just cannot resist spoiling the cherry of a virgin. They will destroy this business just like every other business in the country except laundromats perhaps. Very few if any Airbnb or VRBO properties earn over 100,000.00 so they will have to make a special VAT case to tax these rentals. Another case of Judicial Review on the horizon and another humiliating Government defeat at Court.

MonkeeDoo says...

I don't usually agree with you Comrade but this is the God's honest Truth. We had the same thing with Ken Kerr of Providence Advisors being the only name mentioned in the article about the Dump Award. Like Ken know's the first or even last thing about Garbage Remediation. I mean these stories just have FRONT written all over them. Of the people are too ashamed to have their names associated with the project. Its like someone just pushes a note under the Tribune Front Door and they do a story on it., I know Pierre don't go that way.

On Cruise Group pledges 1.3m visitor rise

Posted 5 September 2018, 2:37 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

There is no redeeming value in sparing this life. Why successive Gov'ts have not created a lawful means to end these deviants I don't know. Such should be classed with animals & euthenased without reference to Privy Council. !

On I can forgive my son’s killer

Posted 18 April 2018, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

There is no availabe accounting capacity as it is with B/L & VAT so how the hell we going to cope with more tax schemes. And look where NIB is with a year of receipts not yet posted. No one even knows the status of rpt, b/l, vat and we have no right under law to find out where they stand. Just tell the EU "sorry boys, we are a failed State Banana Republic"

On ‘Why so jittery on income tax’?

Posted 19 March 2018, 9:42 p.m. Suggest removal

MonkeeDoo says...

Successive Governments have bankrupted the Nation and today we could not even buy a toilette for the tourists to piss in !! And we keep spending what we don't have !!!