Cut the Civil Service in half or devalue the Bahamian dollar but stop talking about what you might have to do. Every time he opens his mouth he creates a contingent liability in the minds of business and people. D'Aguilar has already got Airbnb adding a caveat to their booking engine warning that additional fees & taxes "May" apply. !!! Imagine that ! So the booking to the Bahamas have ground to a halt. Who is going to buy something today that may cost x% more when you use it. Loose lips sink ships.
Government agencies and policies have been purpose built for corruption. No need discussing that. You need a certificate to clear your goods but you can't qualify, some hungry civil servant will oblige you for a smaller sum. Need a work permit but can't get the approval some immigration officer can get you one if you pay under the table. Everything can be bought in the Bahamas for the right price. Start with that and see where we get.
repost: The Bible tells us that the sins of the father shall be born by the children and grandchildren for generations. Fifty years ago we started with a budgetary surplus and since then have ammased a debt of many billions of dollars. That is the sins of our fathers these last fifty years. We the children & grandchildren & great grand children now have these iniquities to pay for. What will we lay on the backs of our children, grand children & great grandchildren. not this iniquity i hope.
MonkeeDoo says...
Scary that Nat Beneby was Chairman of BPL & RBC concurrently !!!
On 'Everyone is trying to get money out of BEC'
Posted 8 November 2017, 10:21 p.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
What does the Bishop think about the gambling referendum. Cat got his tongue ?
On FNM ‘ignoring public’s wishes’
Posted 7 November 2017, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
Cut the Civil Service in half or devalue the Bahamian dollar but stop talking about what you might have to do. Every time he opens his mouth he creates a contingent liability in the minds of business and people. D'Aguilar has already got Airbnb adding a caveat to their booking engine warning that additional fees & taxes "May" apply. !!! Imagine that ! So the booking to the Bahamas have ground to a halt. Who is going to buy something today that may cost x% more when you use it. Loose lips sink ships.
On ‘Low level’ corporation tax studied
Posted 5 November 2017, 10:38 a.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
Government agencies and policies have been purpose built for corruption. No need discussing that. You need a certificate to clear your goods but you can't qualify, some hungry civil servant will oblige you for a smaller sum. Need a work permit but can't get the approval some immigration officer can get you one if you pay under the table. Everything can be bought in the Bahamas for the right price. Start with that and see where we get.
On Business ease: DPM wants to catch Jamaica
Posted 5 November 2017, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
I think she is already delivering well.Probably the best Chairman for 50 years.
On Poor governance undermined Bahamas Power and Light
Posted 5 November 2017, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
Opening strategy continues... so did Izmirlians... KARMA will kill you even if God don't .....
On Baha Mar unveils its $25m marketing push
Posted 5 November 2017, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
I am on your run bogart.
On Bahamas needs 'material change' on business ease
Posted 3 November 2017, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
Totally agree Economist.
On Resort owner: 'We're all in same boat even more'
Posted 30 October 2017, 10:29 p.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
Let them. Our Developers are in Eleuthera.
On 'We have lost our way' in tourism
Posted 30 October 2017, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal
MonkeeDoo says...
The Bible tells us that the sins of the father shall be born by the children and grandchildren for generations. Fifty years ago we started with a budgetary surplus and since then have ammased a debt of many billions of dollars. That is the sins of our fathers these last fifty years. We the children & grandchildren & great grand children now have these iniquities to pay for. What will we lay on the backs of our children, grand children & great grandchildren. not this iniquity i hope.
On Doctors chief labels $89m public health gap 'a bombshell'
Posted 30 October 2017, 9:24 p.m. Suggest removal