Comment history

MontaguMadge says...

There are prominent toxicologists who credit the removal of lead additives from house paint and motor fuel as one factor in the decline of crime rates - especially murders - in urban areas across the US. Lead is understood to be highly toxic to the brain. Children exposed to lead in their homes, in the atmosphere, and in ground soil at young ages may be more vulnerable to problems with impulse control and aggression - leading to the commission of crimes as they approach adulthood. This is not to say that lead is solely responsible for crime. But the huge rise in crime in the 70s and 80s in America and the equally huge—and completely unexpected—decline in crime of the 90s and aughts may be attributed to cleaning up lead.

MontaguMadge says...

Yep. There's a lot in the Dumpster's toolbox: Fox news cult; voter suppression; Russian bots; NRA back channel funding; and lots of Republican congressional appeasers.

MontaguMadge says...

This VAT increase is more progressive than the earlier implementation. Excusing medicines, pantry items, and small electricity bills will help the less fortunate and the elderly. Exempting property insurance will encourage folks to keep insurance - pretty important at hurricane time. Bahamians expect a lot from government. In the US, the sales tax in some states is pushing over double digits. And it doesn't pay for defense, healthcare, or disaster relief. It doesn't pay for education either in a bunch of states. The most important thing - hold government accountable.

MontaguMadge says...

Gun control hasn't been tried a million times - small, little mea

Where to start. The states in the US with stricter gun control laws have fewer gun deaths than states with few restrictions. Not all urban areas are created equal - Chicago has a problem because the states surrounding it have very lax gun laws. No one in the US wants to ban guns - they want military-style weapons to be restricted. AR-15s were designed for the battlefield. Because of weapons like them, the police have had to militarize themselves. Loopholes must be closed so every gun purchaser has to go through a background check. The good guys with guns should have no problem passing a background check (just like careful drivers have no problem getting licenses and car registrations renewed.) And gun control has worked well - witness the much lower gun death figures per capita in Europe, Canada, and Australia. The US is a singular outlier.