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Mr_Valcin says...

*if the minister doesn't feels safe and he has an armed guard/s already, how do you think we the general public feels? we literally live in a lawless land. we are over run by young arrogant men who don't have respect for themselves let alone others. having a gun to them is like having a thumb, its always there and they always carrying and don't hesitate to brandish or use it as well. i'm not asking i'm telling you for i live in the midst of it all out east.
i am a family man, a law abiding citizen, and not afraid to defend myself if need be. but i want to be able to protect myself as well as my family. do not limit it only to ministers or business owners. home owners as well.*

On Your say: Ministers should not carry guns

Posted 14 June 2012, 11:41 a.m. Suggest removal