Comment history

MrsPragmatic says...

The government simply dropped the ball on this current blacklisting. They took too long to come down from their election euphoria, while important decisions remained untouched!

Finance was too busy allocating funds to payout to cronies. The AG was too busy AG was too busy with inane cronies court matters. Key, knowledgeable persons in Finance warned the FS over and over (in writing) that URGENT action was required. So instead of urgent action, they again hired an incompetent, no-ethics person from their roster of cronies.

Now we want to play the race card and speak on the world stage that we are being singled out when we could have fixed this problem months ago. I'm sorry Prime Minister, it's a no for me.

MrsPragmatic says...

Everything that happened in Rum Cay at Sumner Point Marina started under the PLP government. Go read the Ruling handed down by Justice Bain in 2018....the entire Marina was destroyed...flattened by a deranged American landowner who claimed he was operating under the power of the Ministry of Works! Who was this Minister of Works who was giving free rein to a mad man?? Then the government changed and the madness continued...with government agency responsible for granting dredging permits granting this same madman permits almost annually so he could continue to destroy the eco-scape that surrounds Sumner Point. Meanwhile, the 60 or so locals stood by and watched it all happen, some even participated in the destruction in 2015...and many supported this madman because they all got free lumber to build new houses, appliances and cash. It is a disgraceful, egregious crime that has happened to the Little family....a family that gave their heart and soul to build a beautiful, intimate, charming Marina that became the lifeblood of Rum Cay.

MrsPragmatic says...

This situation is one that happened because these number houses use the USA state lotteries and don't even have to common sense to stay up to date with changes within these respective lotteries!!! In a nutshell, Iowa discontinued their instate lottery because of a massive scandal involving fraud that touched all the way to the Judicial system....and in July 1st, Iowa began using the lottery 3 ball and 4 ball numbers drawn by Indiana lottery. This was circulated via press release from midJune so I cannot understand why the "super smart number bosses" aren't privy to public information on such important changes such as lottery times etc. Now, the Bahamians who saw this and decided to capitalize on the "timing error", know full well that this number houses would eventually dispute this....this happened about 5 years ago as well with the Texas lottery.

The sad part here is that the person(s) claiming fair win are being ridiculous . They know fully well that the Indiana lottery posted these numbers almost 35 minutes prior to Iowa online closing time. And if they werent so darn greedy they might have gotten away with a little $1 straight win...but no, they want 5$ straight on a 4ball!!! Fools foiled and fouled again!!