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MrsQ says...

Some people refuse to believe it's a problem until it happens to them or their family.

On 64 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday

Posted 10 September 2020, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

MrsQ says...

That's it exactly. It's still counted in the overall total cases because it's a positive test result, but it's not counted as a COVID death.

On 64 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday

Posted 10 September 2020, 9:26 a.m. Suggest removal

MrsQ says...

So according to this plan, people from Grand Bahama can come to New Providence, where our numbers have been surging, with no COVID test. If they aren't already positive when they get to Nassau, they can get infected here and return to Grand Bahama or travel to other islands and host a party with 10 of their friends or family members and spread the disease. These policies make no sense. It's clear Minnis has given up trying to control the spread because some of his poorly executed lockdowns met serious backlash.

MrsQ says...

This situation is out of control. Hundreds of new cases have been reported in the week since the PM announced that it was miraculously time to open businesses back up, despite saying that a full lockdown was needed a few days before. As of a couple of days ago, it was reported that the hospitals are at capacity and there is no room to treat more COVID patients.The PM has had the correct instincts regarding the seriousness of COVID and the need to protect the citizens, but he has executed lockdowns in a disorganized manner and now he has lost the trust of the people. If he had given people the time and resources to prepare for lockdowns properly, the virus would be much more under control. Another poor decision was to reopen the border in July. The government says no tourists brought COVID here and it was only Bahamians traveling to Florida who brought it back, but how realistic is that? No tourists coming from the u.s. covid epicenter brought it here but somehow the virus knew to infect Bahamians only? Seems very unlikely. I think the PM was angered by the (deserved) backlash against his latest lockdown attempt and has now given up. Protect yourselves and your families, everyone. The government definitely isn't going to do it for you.

On 78 new COVID-19 cases reported on Saturday

Posted 30 August 2020, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal