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Mslav says...


Mslav says...

Good Day,

This is not very good news, this company is committing 'legal robbery' by patenting life-saving medicines, in an article published by a news outlet this company is being called out for their Gilead hepatitis C drug sofosbuvir drug. Bahamian People wake up this just means the Government of The Bahamas will ask less questions and let Bahamians work for cheap labour, and have their expats come in and take top jobs. This company is very shady across the world. Just because they say its good doesn't mean so. Please check out the article and do your own research on this company.……

Mslav says...

Take their guns then they use knives.

Mslav says...

If what this man claims is true,and there is actual physical evidence it shows us that police officers sometimes do no investigation and just arrest , I guess people who are known to them or who may look guilty. It could be the reason that crime is so high because the wrong people have been arrested for lack of effort to investigate crimes, so the real criminals are left on the streets to continue crimes. Allison Maynard usually gets guilty people off, and leave Jerome Fitzgerald to take the heat.

Mslav says...

Did he pay for that one two