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Mtesaw says...

I agree that this dive was not handled well. I know folks snapping pics may get wrapped up in what they are doing, but you have crew members that are on the dive to watch for that type of thing. A sad ending to the life of a wonderful man.

Mtesaw says...

Ii see several things that went wrong with this dive... I've never done an intentional shark dive but have done plenty of dives where we knew there was a high possibility of sharks and you take precautions. Petty was not a new diver. I have a hard time believing the current just carried him off. Usually on a dive boat you have two divers employed by the company. One leads the dive and the other follows. You go to the bottom as a group. They lost a guy in the first 10 minutes of the dive. Maybe he did get separated and sucked down his air or maybe it was a shark. I think poor planning on the dive crew was a problem.