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NJBainTownboy says...

Many of the people out there have it all wrong. They are putting the cart of negativity before the horse. Does it ever seem like a bad idea to give any people a sense of pride and a small measure of self respect ? Rev. Moss recognizes the need to start a ball rolling and is attempting to do just that. To shoot down a plan before it starts is child-like. I have been coming to Nassau all my life - my mother is Bahamian and her family goes back to the 1700's- and I have seen historic house after house and " gems" of architecture disappear forever to make way for a MacDonalds or another tourist traps . Nassau's charm and quaintness is disappearing for ever ,never to return again. If every one in Nassau felt like Rev Moss does about their own neighborhoods, then maybe, just maybe Nassau would be that " Gem of the West Indies" it once was. Some day the Bahamian people are going to erect a statue of him right next to the founder of Bain Town.