Comment history

Nancy says...

To Roofbreaker; maybe your name says it all? Don't know about you, but I like a roof over my head and Mr. Munroe has "bought" into the "I" doctrine message that is leading many astray. There is nothing wrong with one striving to reach his/her potential, but what does this have to do with Jesus Christ and his saving grace. BFM sounds like another ministry that is making merchandise out of men's souls. And, if they are, maybe they don't realize it. Maybe they are deceived? And if they are, you are not helping them one iota by lending them "praise."

Nancy says...

Thank you Jerimiah for sharing your 15 year experience with this "ministry." Your voice may be in the minority on this blog, but it is important for people to share their experiences in order that others can become aware of what is happening "behind the scenes." Please tell others not to keep silent if they have a story to share. However, please do not hold it against those who will not share. They are only trying to protect themselves and we cannot blame them for this.