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NassauDon says...

This is not journalism. This is obviously an opinion piece that was used to voice discontent with the police because they did not conform with the plan of the writer. He then goes on to try and condemn all civil servants who lives on family islands and drive government cars. Also trying to discredit the the RBPF by making reference to an incorrect prerequisite to join. It's not 5 BJC's but instead it is 5 BGCSE's. I also would go on record and state that there are many highly qualified men and women within the R.B.P.F. So, be careful how you take a brush and paint. Remember some of the people who you see on T.V are not the brains of the R.B.P.F, they are simply the political choices for the time. The R.B.P.F is an organization with some bright minds. Be careful of what you sow..... Write in a balanced way. All the residents of Long Island don't adopt the writer views........