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NassauTeacher says...

NassauTeacher1 minute ago

Simply put, you have no idea what you are talking about. You are merely spouting rumor, old information and foolish rhetoric put forth by people who have a financial stake in the current fossil-fuel based energy production methods. While solar will not produce 100% of the energy needs, it's cost-per kilowatt is now becoming economically feasible, not to mention the environmental impact it would have... In the not-too distant future the cost to bring those filthy oil barges in will be too high for the Bahamas to pay- then what?

Solar technology has come a long way, and it is not just about panels on roof tops anymore. Offsetting the current oil-based production will save money, make new jobs, provide alternatives when engines fail, help clean up the environment and help protect the Bahamas from outside economic instability by proving locally-produced clean energy.

Dust and firemen? really? Next you will tell me that cigarettes don't cause cancer and there is no climate change happening. Get out of the 1970's, Grandpa, and smell reality.

NassauTeacher says...

Simply put, you have no idea what you are talking about. You are merely spouting rumor, old information and foolish rhetoric put forth by people who have a financial stake in the current fossil-fuel based energy production methods. While solar will not produce 100% of the energy needs, it's cost-per kilowatt is now becoming economically feasible, not to mention the environmental impact it would have... In the not-too distant future the cost to bring those filthy oil barges in will be too high for the Bahamas to pay- then what?

Solar technology has come a long way, and it is not just about panels on roof tops anymore. Offsetting the current oil-based production will save money, make new jobs, provide alternatives when engines fail, help clean up the environment and help protect the Bahamas from outside economic instability by proving locally-produced clean energy.

Dust and firemen? really? Next you will tell me that cigarettes don't cause cancer and there is no climate change happening. Get out of the 1970's, Grandpa, and smell reality.

On NassauTeacher

Posted 12 February 2014, 2:24 a.m. Suggest removal