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Nata1012 says...

The Surrey driver should go to Jail! We finally have to start bringing forward better laws that protect the animals on this island( or well all the islands in the Bahamas )...and get police officers to enforce them!How embarrassing is it that the police thought it was appropriate to drag a horse behind the back of a truck????If dead or not, that just shows how much respect they have towards animals here!!!
Those policemen should loose their licenses! I feel as though some Bahamians are still stuck in the 17 and 18 hundreds when it comes to the way they treat animals! And if they feel as though that's the way to go and there is no need to move forward into modern times with their opinions and actions, then how about we go back to slavery.....
Might as well bring all the ignorance back from back then if they still treat animals the same way! ... evolve people! Do better and be better - instead of going backwards - which the Bahamas seems to be trained on doing...

Disgusted -

On Horse dies in city street

Posted 9 November 2012, 8:43 a.m. Suggest removal