Comment history

Nationalist says...

With family in Bimini, I can tell you... they are very very unhappy!

On Bimini suffers its 'worst state ever'

Posted 4 September 2013, 5:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

C ya!!! (((((dooon wanna B ya)))))!!!!

The only people the protestors are likely to discourage from coming are more cubans.... which is exactly what we want.... so, keep protesting guys!!!! Let's rid ourselves of 'em....:)

On Cuban nationals repatriated to Havana

Posted 17 August 2013, 2:06 a.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Edison's a QUACK! Not to be taken seriously... LOL

Nationalist says...

There needs to be a moratorium on immigration/migration to The Bahamas... period!

Nationalist says...

I'm suspicious!! How is it that such fires are now commonplace? A new phenomenon...ummmm. I think it's deliberate, could even be an inside job!!

On Police say up to 50 homes in ruins

Posted 23 July 2013, 9:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

Pastor Moss' comments, like my comments are fine as is. They compliment each other, which is my intent.

Now, there are those of you trying to 'SPIN' his comments to suggest he may be in some way partially support the sin of homosexuality. You'll know, as I do as anyone who know Pastor Moss even remotely knows that he does not in anyway support homosexuality.

Clearly, neither do I.

Nationalist says...

I'm happy that at least you acknowledge GOD. A good start!!!

Nationalist says...

Homosexuality is SIN. This is what homosexuals DO NOT want to acknowledge. Period.

As Cedric Moss said marriage cannot occur in The Bahamas between same sex --- the bahamian law does NOT allow such! Plain, simple, fact!

Therefore attempt at such could only be considered PLAY-marriage! Like 2 five year olds may freely PLAY-dollhouse but they could never be true mommy & dad --- you'll know the difference.

Man's law allows all to sin as long as you don't break that man-made law. God's standards are quite different --- they go to the core of the real human conscience and heart!

Nationalist says...

Things that make u go 'ummmmmm'.

On DPM: No one safe

Posted 26 June 2013, 4:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Nationalist says...

I agree with refunding at least a portion of the graduation fee! BUT, the rest of this is quite sad.

Would someone please advise the good Bishop and Principal to go ahead and have a graduation ceremony? Boi, they should ask for my help, I'd plan the driest...DRYEST..... lacklusterist... ha, ha, graduation they ever seen! Since they're hell bent on being immature!!!

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 21 June 2013, 1:10 p.m. Suggest removal