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New4068 says...

Wanna send some wake up to those who still don't know.
The Chinese are incredibly wealthy, smart and sophisticated. Far beyond the tiefs in Parliament.
Did you know??? They have roads in African countries that only THEY can drive on? Yes! Seen this first hand. Zimbabwe for example. They paid that crooked Mugabe to rape their land of natural resources. In doing so had an agreement that any roads built by them to remove said resources could only be used by Chinese or permitted workers!

They have one goal. Rape third world countries that can be bought out. And they do it well. fnm, plp, all dem have fat accounts paid by China because they care nothing of Bahamian people or their Bahama Land!

Sealice, you got it dead straight.

On China: our help is a ‘win win’

Posted 10 April 2018, 2:23 p.m. Suggest removal

New4068 says...

PLP wanted to leave a legacy....well congrats. You just did. A legacy of third world pocket lining and self greed.
Let's build Christie a bust and put it on display for the "Great Leader".

New4068 says...

Strong truth. Even though I'm currently living in the US, I stay up to date with the happenings at home.
Remember when Bay Street was beautiful, safe for tourist, something to be proud of?
That's just one example of how things have deteriorated.
If we as a people could take one step back from the "forest" and see the trees again, it would be obvious what's happened.
Politicians on both sides have raped our Country! Never for the good of the people but for their own good. For the good of their families, friends, supporters.
Scraps from the table is correct. When will we demand leaders to be transparent? To live up to their promises.
And friends....when Cuba opens back up, and it is, how much more business will we lose to a friendlier, and cheaper destination?

On Paradise Lost: DNA Independence message

Posted 13 July 2015, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal