Comment history

NewJersey says...

"There are Lies, there are damned lies, and there are Statistics"- Benjamin Disraeil..Ex British Prime Minister...

On Bahamas' GDP grows 27.6% to $10.7bn

Posted 30 September 2017, 11:43 p.m. Suggest removal

NewJersey says...

And what was Trump supposed to do? Appoint losers?? Why do you think these people are millionaires, billionaires and generals? The politicians in most countries can't run an orgy in a brothel. Trumps team is capable of making hard-faced decisions, not quaver at every Chinese company that comes along with money....

On 'We will march without permission'

Posted 30 December 2016, 3:12 a.m. Suggest removal

NewJersey says...

Yep you were SO right!!

NewJersey says...

I think it's a great idea. Sue for loss of business. When it hits them in their wallet they will cease and desist, or leave entirely.Good riddance.

NewJersey says...

Didn't UBS pull out a lot of jobs after one of their executives was roughed up by the police of immigration people?????Is that why the building is surplus?

On Gov’t to buy UBS’ East Bay St. HQ

Posted 7 October 2015, 10:31 p.m. Suggest removal

NewJersey says...

The problem is that many colleges will not accept online degrees if you wish to go further. A prime example is Rutgers and Penn State. Also, if you wish to teach business, the MBA has to be AASCB certified. Right now, no online courses are so certified. As a former COB Asst Professor, I examined the possibility of doing my PhD online and decided against it.. Some countries also do not accept online degrees if you want a teaching job. Also, college builds social skills-online courses don't. As for cost- check out Phoenix and Strayer......not a lot of savings. Better would be to Skype lessons to students in the Family Islands...or put them on an archive system

NewJersey says...

It's been restored in Pakistan and now come on Bahamas!!!!Jordan has executed 11 men convicted of murder, ending an eight-year moratorium on the death penalty in the country.

The interior ministry said the men, convicted in different cases, had been hanged at dawn on Sunday.

Jordanian authorities gave no reason for the lifting of the 2006 moratorium on capital punishment.…

NewJersey says...

Why are you bothering this misguided, semi-intelligible alleged tax cheat whose ethics could be written on the back or a postage stamp with a carpenter's pencil?

On Anti-Bahamas protest in Miami

Posted 20 December 2014, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

NewJersey says...

'Christmas Message'?? Who does he think he is? The queen?

NewJersey says...

Actually, the candidates were not terrible. Dr Olivia Saunders WAS the Dean of the School of Business until 2000 when she demitted office to finish off her PhD. In my opinion,she was probably THE most qualified and respectable candidate for the job, lives in Nassau and understands the need for College leadership. maybe it's because she's a woman....But consider that Dr Keva Bethel and (now) Dr Hodder did very good jobs. I can't comment on this last one that has just left.