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Newyorkboy says...

The writer blithely forgets the extremely bad illegal immigration problem going on right now in Canada, and doesn't agree with the decision to re-negotiate the NAFTA folly which resulted in a distastrous drop in US employment, and since resulted in only 30% of the 'Maquiladoros' still being open in Mexico, as companies left for Asia as soon as the Mexicans started to ask for more money, as was pointed out before NAFTA by Ross Perot, branded a 'stupid' man. This 'stupid' man parlayed a $10,000 loan into a 15 Billion company. .
In addition, look at trade and investment..Over the past three years, foreign direct investment in Canada has decreased by 54 per cent, whereas Canadian investment abroad (especially in the U.S.) has increased by 36 per cent. This has been happening for a while in the resource industry, as investing in infrastructure becomes more and more complicated in Canada while it becomes easier in the United States. And this problem has now spread to other industries.

In fact, business capital expenditures are down 17 per cent in Canada since the end of 2014, while they are up four per cent in the U.S.over the same period, in constant dollars. This problem will undoubtedly become worse as uncertainty concerning trade will translate into more companies making the safe choice of investing in the U.S. instead of Canada. And the Canadian Mr Wynn has, on a smaller scale, decided to invest in New Providence rather than deal with the owners of Freeport, Hutchison-whampoa.

Newyorkboy says...

Well, let's see. GDP up to 4.1% .Unemployment overall down to 4% from 7.4% under the last administration. Black unemployment down to 6.6%, Hispanic unemployment is now 4.6%, and in women, a record 4.0%. Consumer confidence is now up to 126. Today I read that the remains of 55 soldiers killed in North Korea are being returned. There have been no missiles shots over Japan in months and some missile sites in N Korea are being dismantled. The 3 hostages in N Korea- returned... Jean-Claude Juncker came 'cap-in-hand' to renegotiate the tariff deal with the EU. A friend of mine is a coal miner in Kentucky.He is now back at work for the first time in 6 years. Where is the coal going? It's being exported to Germany, because they have found out the wind and Solar power isn't fulfilling their needs and they are renovating their old coal burning power plants after scrapping Nuclear power thanks to a deal made by Merkel's predecessor and the 'Green' party. Manufacturing jobs in the US are increasing exponentially due to the reduction in Corporate tax and relaxation of regulations. President Trump's rallies are attended to fully with people outside wanting to get in....I'll take the buffoon, thanks!!!