Comment history

Nooooooooo says...

Someone has fallen down.

Well being the Chief Executive in the country you have the power to do the following.

Provided that the Governor-General shall act in accordance with his own deliberate judgment in the performance of the following functions-Exercise of Governor- General's powers.

in the exercise of the power to appoint the Prime Minister conferred upon him by paragraphs (1) or (4) of Article 73 of this Constitution;

in the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by Article 75 of This Constitution (which relates to the performance of the functions of the Prime Minister during absence, illness or suspension) in the circumstances described in the proviso to paragraph (2) of that Article;

in the exercise of the power to appoint the Leader of the Opposition and to revoke any such appointment conferred upon him by Article 82 of this Constitution;

in the exercise of the power conferred on him by Article 83(a) of this Constitution during any vacancy in the office of Leader of the Opposition;

in the exercise of the power to dissolve Parliament conferred upon him by the proviso to Article 66(2) of this Constitution;

in removing a Justice of the Supreme Court from office under Article 96(5) of this Constitution;

in removing a Justice of Appeal from office under Article 102(5) of this Constitution;

in the powers relating to appointment, removal and disciplinary control over members of his personal staff, conferred on him by Article 35 of this Constitution.

Use them or get lost.

Nooooooooo says...

This government is allways so reactionary. They are always behind the cart, behind innovation, behind on news, behind on technology, behind on governing, behind on crime, no forward thinking in that party what-so- ever.

rbpf is already low on number ya cant take them police of the streets.
Highly qualified security guards with weapons and a fluid commication with RPBF to make arrest when needed.

Like the PM said a few months ago,

things will get good real soon!!!!!!!!!!!


Nooooooooo says...

This government is allways so reactionary. They are always behind the cart, behind innovation, behind on news, behind on technology, behind on governing, behind on crime, no forward thinking in that party what-so- ever.

Like the PM said a few months ago,

things will get good real soon!!!!!!!!!!!


Nooooooooo says...

This is why Mr. Pintard you never jump the GUn!!!!!!!!!!

On Gomez denies he will leave the PLP

Posted 13 December 2015, 10:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Nooooooooo says...

OK. Here it goes.

1. Dr. Brenan on Guardian the other day said the budget is around 100 million.
2. Dr. Brenan said its for the whole country 350000 plus people.

Lets do the math.

100 million / 350000 people = 285.71 per person, per year.

285.71 / 12 months = 23.81 a month.

No way on Gods green earth that Bahamians will get any sort or real insurance package for 23.81 a month. If it does happen, this is what it will look like.

1. Office Visit Payment
2. Pharmacy Co pay
3. 7500 to 10000 per year deductible per person annually

From the way that looks many people will be signed up but they will not use the insurance because they will not be able to meet these deductibles. All Insurance have some sort of copay an deductible.

Now lets say they dont insure 350000 people. Lets use 200000 people by 100 million.

100 million / 200000 people = 500 per person
500 / 12 months = 41.67 a month.

41.67 is still not good. I can see that payment for kids under 18. But we are talking about the Bahamas and everything is 4 times the price. So the 41.67 is something you can see in the US.

My projection at the minimum is 500 million.

500 million / 350000 people = 1428.58 per person annually
1428.58 / 12 months = 119.05 per month

119.05 sounds more like a realistice number that we can work with. Now if 350000 people dont take the insurance then there can be surplus funds to fix infrastructure etc,

500 million / 200000 poeple = 2500 per year

2500 / 12 months = 208.34 per month.

AT 208.34 a month is an excellent number where citizens would be able to get the best care and the best plan.

The 119.05 is also a good number but that will have alot to do with the age average beacuse people 35 plus will use plan more, seniors will use plan more and pre existing conditions cases will use plan more.

The insurance companies will not go out of business to make the Bahamas healthy.

So base on the number please dont let the government propaganda machines fool a population of humble people. Ask the serious questions. If they do have a budget of 100 million, it will be a pain in the ass plan with 80% denial rate on items not being covered with high deductibles and long appointment times.

Just look at what you are paying now for private insurance and with you are paying for job related insurance and see if the numbers makes sense. Listen under the Oama plan rates are not $23 a month and we are talking a bout a whole lot more people 100 million people plus compared to 350000 people

On PM: NHI won’t destabilise economy

Posted 13 December 2015, 10:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Nooooooooo says...

1. COB is under Staff
2. COB does not have degrees that country needs.
3. 99% of the teachers have not done any reseach since they graduated college a million years ago.
4.Classrooms are in bad shap.
5. What are the New Doctorate level degrees?
6. Toooo many teachers have master degrees.
7. 50% of the lazy staff needs to be fired.
8. Try to be the best college for considering making a move.
9. Make more international connections to ensure proper transition internationally for students seeking advance degrees.
10. The online program needs to be fully revamp so the all the out island kids can stay right where they are and get the same degrees with out coming to nassau.

Finally Please Fire Felix Bethel.

Nooooooooo says...

This woman is the most ignorant of them all and she should prosecute her self.

Nooooooooo says...

Its not alleged tge video is clear as day. The officer slap the shit out of that guy. Slap him so hard he was in the water holding his face.

Nooooooooo says...

Munroe should be disbarred and his QC should be taken away. Take the immigration element out of it. We now see what he will do to people when he gets a little power.

On Munroe: Flog the immigrants

Posted 7 December 2015, 11:52 p.m. Suggest removal

Nooooooooo says...

hahaha, boy the expectation is very low for civil service.

On Two new ambulances handed to public hospitals

Posted 1 December 2015, 9:18 p.m. Suggest removal