Comment history

Nuru says...

Did the United States of America belong to Bahamas or what they abusing peoples human rights for nothing leave them alone to go where they want to go

Nuru says...

The Bahamas government doing bad on human rights they keeping peoples for nothing right now they have some people in the Carmichael road detention center for seven years now without any crime fred Smith is a hero God bless him and his people for long life to continue doing the great work human rights need to check the immigration detention center they have a lot of people they keep for many years there.

Nuru says...

The government doing bad on human rights they keeping peoples for nothing right now they have more people in the Carmichael road detention center for seven years now without any crime fred Smith is a hero God bless him with his people for long life to continue doing the great work, the human rights need to check the immigration detention center a lot of people in there for many years now.

Nuru says...

What Bahamas government and his immigration policy doing is wrong They keeping peoples for nothing they keep some people in the Carmichael road detention center for 7 years now for no reason they still in the place now. Fred Smith is a hero he doing great with his people God bless them with long life to continue their good job please human rights need to put eye in the Carmichael road detention center they are abusing human rights there seven years is too much and a lot of people in there.