Comment history

Observer says...

All of those retired teachers are close relatives; siblings and niece, the Pintards.See the picture?
But, they are correct in their assessment of the situation on Ragged.

Observer says...

So get ya own d8mn strip. Thank you.

Observer says...

The mother of the missing person, Taylor, should tell the Police why she wants that telephone. Seems that she is concealing pertinent information; or, is she afraid that the Police will discover a plot, such as insurance fraud?

On ‘We need answers on missing Taylor’

Posted 1 July 2024, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Mr. Foulkes puts the party's main objective in perspective, i.e. 'beat the P.L.P.'

On Minnis snubbed by his former Cabinet

Posted 23 May 2024, 10:58 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

We offer our condolence to the Roker family and acknowledge with profound gratitude the contribution made to the development of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas by the honourable Mr. Loftus Roker. He was an example of a committed patriot and nationalist.

Observer says...

Like Lucifer, some Bahamians are very ungrateful. Did any of the attendees at the meeting had an alternative arrangement? including the good FNM doctor?

On Residents concerned over $290m hospital

Posted 15 May 2024, 9:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

For Sam's information, Atlantis is the only manned and properly equipped facility in this country to handle such situation. Ego doesn't help.

Observer says...

Antoni is divisive. Magnus is progressive. That is how we see it.

Observer says...

Why should we follow the immoral dictates of an American/UN 'institution'? Our sovereignty and legitemacy are just as valid as theirs. We must reject their dictates in this regard.

Observer says...

Suggested reconstruction of the beginning of the second paragraph is, 'the police involved shooting of a teenager.'