Comment history

Observer says...

Correction, please; has been instead of has being (2nd paragraph).

On “Who would have thought!“

Posted 8 April 2024, 1:44 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Here is another angle. The 'moneyed' and privilidged, offer an inducement in order to "jump the line". There-in lies the corruption.

Observer says...

Is NIB contribution realy a financial burden? Let us be honest, then we could strategise about off-setting the 'deductions' , both ways.

Observer says...

Mr. Bannister has admitted the level of his competence, in open senior court, recently. He is therefore disqualified from making an informed comment on something as complex as the BPL fiasco, in which he had an active hand.

Observer says...

This leader is funny. What was 'repaired' at the stadium when he was a minister in the last administration that lost power in 2021?

Observer says...

"Wherewithal shall a young man(woman) cleanse his/her ways"? Look it up. You will find it in the same Book.

Observer says...

Try and try again, but history cannot be erased.

Observer says...

This huge loss is unacceptable. Seems management was/is inefficient. Fix the problem.

On Water Corp losing 55% of Family Island supply

Posted 18 December 2023, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Congrats to all sailors and organizers; well done. In proportion to the length of the sailboats, the mainsail is too large and the jib sail is too small. Check it.

Observer says...

Who is responsible to provide the things enumerated by Mr. Bain?