Comment history

Observer says...

When was Mr. Sands released from prison? When did he finish teacher training? When was he hired by the PSC?

Observer says...

Take it or leave it. You make the call.

Observer says...

The entire country begs pardon for the petty foolishness that occured which caused the Moxeys so much misery. We won't let that happen again. A lesser man would have crumbled beneath the injustice, but the man from The Rock always knew that good always triumphs over ill-will and spite.

Observer says...

This LGBT thing is a farce. Its about people trying to grab the spotlight. Any way one cuts it, deceit and lies underlay the entire scheme. So, let hens produce a brood; let roosters produce a brood. Why should one feel discriminated if referred to as hen or rooster when in fact one is either? Call me what you may; but certainly I'm not stupid. Call a spade a spade and close the account.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 24 March 2014, 4:37 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Just what is "LGBT people"? I was asleep. Is this another race or what? If they are, what is the difference between them and others? Please, I want to know, so that I can identify them.

Observer says...

The verb usurp means to take illegally or by force. What does it mean in the published article attached?

Observer says...

What rights are they? Are they separate and apart from my rights?

On Street Talk: LGBT rights

Posted 21 February 2014, 6:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

Take a good look at the 'religious' good samaritans who are among us and are looking for cheap labour recruitments for their camps overseas.

Observer says...

This stuff is serious. If each one of us who benefits from what ever this country offers should carry his/her fair share of the country's financial obligation the burden should be lighter. Let that person that is without fault, cast the first stone. Sincere sympathy, Bro. Lightbourne, but, you must pay your national obligation too. Perhaps the government will consider the implementation of property lien, which can be sold at auction on a regular basis to increase cash flow, until RPT is made current on all real estate.

On 'Tax dodger should be fired from VAT role'

Posted 21 February 2014, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Observer says...

The Bishop should err on the side of truth. Let him that has an ear to hear, let him hear.