Comment history

ObserverOfChaos says...

Is this the "...about to complete" mentality used for Baha Mar too? hmmmm...…

ObserverOfChaos says...

Don't expect any "sound" "factual" response to these pressing questions my friend. This AG along with the political machine are just passing the "hot potato" around waiting for someone else to handle.....which none are able to do....

ObserverOfChaos says...

well, well...we'll see how much luck he has in dealing with these corrupt Chinese and inept Bahamian govt lets just sit back and watch the games begin.....hahaha....

On Farkas-Kerzner in deal for Baha Mar

Posted 9 November 2015, 4:54 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

"months away from opening".....hahaha...ya'll got one crazy a** mess to clear up before that mill stone is open.....along with the inept political government officials with their hand out to the chinese, this will be at least 12-16 months to opening.....especially in dealing with the cheap a** chinese!...

ObserverOfChaos says...

This buffoon of a PM has stuck his big brown nose up an area he should never have ventured. The govt didn't get involved with Atlantis years ago....yet this time deem it necessary to meddle with the affairs of a private company...for what extend/purpose? Greed. Legacy. Self elevations. Stupidity. Ignorance. Absurdity! This whole country is going to the dogs and yet this absurd buffoon called a "PM" is an absolute embarrassment to everyone in the country. Is inept in making sound/long term decision for the growth of the country....yet he finds ways to spend monies we don't have. Award contracts to people that have no business getting them. Appoints inept people to leadership positions. Holds no one accountable for their missteps and bad decision.....

ObserverOfChaos says...

You said is perfectly that the Bahamian Govt (regardless of party affiliation) is "a group of benchwarmers, of visionless managers, of gatekeepers..." Thus summing up the history and potential future of the Bahamas! Bahamians have only themselves to blame for not holding politicians to account, selling their votes to those that promise the moon & favors and setting back and justifying such behavior by anyone in office, and thinking these fools have all the answers....they don't even know the questions!

On YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: A lament for my Long Island

Posted 8 October 2015, 10:22 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

And the bahamian government can expect the same type of treatment, delays and lies regardless of the promises made by CCA and the bank think otherwise is stupidity! But then again we are talking about Bahamian stupidity is standard practice....

ObserverOfChaos says...

PM not out of tune....he's not even got the radio on!....

ObserverOfChaos says...

Lets hope Sarkis kicks the SOB in the teeth and tells him to F*** himself....he started all this mess by sticking his fat nose into something he had no business getting involved Bahamians are paying the price by not having working jobs!....Let Christie drown in his own pit of stupidity....This is just another ploy by his highness Christie to try and convince Bahamians he's "doing something for them"....all positioning.... period!

On PM to meet with Sarkis on Monday

Posted 25 September 2015, 10:24 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

wait till the world and these liquidators see the crappy work their chinese laborers did! Fitting put on wrong. Wiring mislabeled. Sewer pipes not connected right. Toilets not installed correctly. The list goes on and wonder Sarkis wanted these A** holes out of the project! So good luck Bahama Govt trying to manage this cluster! You deserve it...