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ObserverOfChaos says...

Don't look to the Bahamian government for solutions....shoot any trespassers that go on the property and that will solve the problem fast! Hopefully the management will get some clue to what to other countries (mostly 3rd world) they have the same issues...guess we've reached the goal of becoming a 3rd world country now....

ObserverOfChaos says...

Other all inclusive hotels have same set up that Melia is trying to implement....just these lazy a** workers want to gouge the hotel for whatever they can get cause they are new...and the union thugs want to get more press for themselves....kick them all to the curb and have the graduates of LDI take their place!

ObserverOfChaos says...

apparently there is absolutely NO intelligent persons involved with or in charge of this crap! An absolute disgrace to the country....there is a number of simple solutions to solving and/or preventing fires in the land fill....either the government is too stupid, the company running is incompetent or they both don't care, or worse.....!

On City dump catches fire again

Posted 19 January 2015, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

Agree!!!!! Finally someone willing to take a public stand against this antiquated union and it's broke managers! This whole country is in some "entitlement" mentality which is ruining not only the working class but the experiences tourist (which we depend on!!!) have in Bahamas.....wake up Bahamas and DumbA** unions! You are past your usefulness....

ObserverOfChaos says...

That's super! Now all those LDI grads can slide right into those opens spots left by idiot union people! Thanks for helping the next generation of workers Mr. Woods....haha...everyone knows the union is broke, mismanaged and toothless....and workers can only stay out of work for maybe 1-2 weeks before bills start coming companies just "wait" you out till you figure out what your going to do! Personally I'd like to see every union in this country get burned to the ground as you are bankrupting and destroying the work ethic and reputation of the Bahamas...and the need for such unions are antiquated....just filling the pockets of the leaders....(thus the reason it's bankrupt)...good riddance unions!

On Hotel union’s strike vote ‘green light’

Posted 17 January 2015, 7:44 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

Apparently the Union offiicals and the people just can't get their head around "all inclusive" type well as the fact that companies are fed up with their stupid little antic's of low performance then when companies demand more, striking....i hope and pray Baha Mar or Melia break the back of these unions! The unions are ruining this country...they rank up there with our politicians as inept, ignorant and out dated!

On Hotel union votes in favour of strike

Posted 17 January 2015, 1:58 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

Mr. Moss....excellent observation and courage to speak out (and I'm not even a supporter of yours or live in your area). Unfortunately the Bahamian people/politicians etc are not mature enough to take things like this without getting their feelings hurt. Bahamians are an immature political nation/people. Thus little tiff's or differences of opinions or opposing one' party automatically garners these insecure, immature, selfish politicians to take their toys and go home to play by/with themselves......eventually we hope they grow up, grow some balls and be leaders.....but i seriously doubt that will happen....

On Moss anger at Rollins fallout

Posted 13 January 2015, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

Baha Mar isn't "targeting" bahamians as guests...that's why! They are targeting other demographics, as any intelligent/informed person would know if they read materials on the property! Plus how many bahamians would/could afford to spend the money to stay there! There is no money in bahamas....thus it has to come from tourist.....get your head out of the sand and start thinking beyond your nose...not everything is "race" related....more like $ related....

ObserverOfChaos says...


ObserverOfChaos says...

And what is it that the government heads and the PM are doing to combat this trend? nothing! actually discouraging new businesses and prospect by implementation of VAT and high duties! Great combo to drive down employment as most employers are medium to small companies! Thanks Bahamas government for your support in ruining our the country!

On Unemployment rises by 1.4%

Posted 10 January 2015, 9:53 p.m. Suggest removal