Comment history

ObserverOfChaos says...

You get what ya "pay" for....aka those politicians! enjoy....i'm outta this clown country....

On Ground down by government

Posted 31 August 2015, 12:27 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says... bad....

ObserverOfChaos says...

This statement coming from someone that has had business dealing with Ismilian? Has personal experience in construction projects? Has dealt with the chinese? Is just floating B.S. around so people will back their party? "Unfortunate mis-step?" really? How about sticking their nose into business they had no reason too other than to line their own pockets with monies paid by Chinese to screw this whole thing up for personal gains!? How about causing devastating ripple affects such as credit rating being reduced by S&P? Or scaring off investors? The one's to be afraid of are the incompetent, self serving, inbred, buffoon's we call politicians here in Bahamas!

ObserverOfChaos says...

this coming from a company that is owned by Bank of China, has repeatedly failed to deliver (around the world) on project smaller and larger, have had constant overruns, subpar work, examples of extortion and bribery (hmm, wonder who they greased here?)...have repeatedly lied in court, tried to steal property (computer servers) from Baha Mar that showed their collusion with other entities (Bank of China and others)....the list goes on.....
So the question is now: Is the Bahamian government thinking that the Chinese will treat them any different just because they are Bahamian? hahahaha....hey i got a bridge to sell ya in NYC!

ObserverOfChaos says...

Doesn't this smell like a similar situation of the sam PM's administration years ago, which ushered in another administration due to his inept handling of corruption charges? The stink of corruption follows this PM around like dog shit on his shoes.....and it aint' going away until he wipes it off for good....(which will never happen!)

On PM told to tackle corruption claims

Posted 26 August 2015, 6:59 p.m. Suggest removal

ObserverOfChaos says...

Just another arrow in the head for Bahamas trying to play in the big leagues, and a kick in the balls for tourism in this backward, immature and childish nation of inbred......

ObserverOfChaos says...

Kiss all that "potential" income to the country goodbye fellow bahamians! Thank you dumb*ss PM and other cohorts! Ya'll are just plain stupid idiots with no regard for fellow day you will pay for your sins...

ObserverOfChaos says... open, honest spoken view by someone with no conflict of interest?! Yikes, whats the country coming too.....?

ObserverOfChaos says...

he means she's not as good as telling lies and cheating bahamians? If thats the case he's an expert....

ObserverOfChaos says...

If he hadn't started all this mess, he'd not have to do a 180 turn around on this....he was trying to gain control all he's side stepping.....liar, cheat, swindler, back stabber....what else can be said of this buffoon?