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Ocaba says...

So your motivation is monetary "... I need my money and ain't ashamed to ask for it!"

Ocaba says...

I see my point was missed. slavery is not just an Afro-Centric phenomenon although it is the most recent incarnation of this vile practice historically. Was it wrong for France to demand reparations from Haiti? Absolutely. Was it wrong for the UK to pay former slave owners? Absolutely.

At its core slavery is all about money. Will reparations allow us all to live in Lyford Cay? Not likely. Reparations will not free us from the economic slavery we find ourselves in today. We will not be freed from the lack of jobs, poor education and low paying menial jobs our own people (present and past Governments) have relegated us to.

Sorry to ramble but I believe that our issues are more contemporary and our passions and energies should be focused there.

Like the Jewish people say "Never again" . We should acknowledge our historical past learn from it and use our knowledge to move forward and ensure that it never happens to us again. We must fight for our freedoms today and insure that we will not be enslaved going forward. We cannot change the past but we can make our future.

On Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Posted 14 October 2013, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Ocaba says...

Perhaps caricom should go back further historically and sue the Arab states as well, since they were enslaving Africans long before the Europeans. As a matter of fact they were enslaving Europeans as well.

Also we should not overlook the Feudalistic period in Europe, which occurred before the European African slave trade and sue on behalf of all who were Serfs (just another form of slavery)

If one cares to delve deep enough into the historical record you will find that no race, creed, color or region is without some culpability in the slave trade.

The point is slavery is wrong we should acknowledge that it happened and move forward.

Remember: If you fight for your limitations you get to keep them

On Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Posted 14 October 2013, 10:08 a.m. Suggest removal