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OldFort2012 says...

Oh, it is much worse than you describe (100% accurate though, I applaud your reasoning, deduction, acumen and logic).

The PLP could just about stomach another few hundred whites stuck behind some wall, because they are no political threat.

What they can't stomach is the few hundred BLACKS that those whites might educate in technology, empower and give opportunity to. Because if they, that will never do!! they will come after the PLP politically and that cannot be allowed to happen.

The PLP has a vested interest in keeping blacks as ignorant and without opportunity as possible. You aren't going to ask people who are educated and prosperous to vote for your cretinous policies that have ruined the country. You want them as uneducated and beholden to you for their very survival.

On Mitchell: The world is watching

Posted 30 November 2017, 4:42 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Is breathing mandated by law? No. Yet we all do it. When someone relocates here, what is he going to do? Stop eating? Do we have to mandate by law that he has to eat 3 times a day? Therefore the personal spend is something that necessarily comes with being here.

As to your slightly more sensible point, yes, there is no mandate to hire Bahamians. You try hiring a Bahamian in the field of nanotechnology. Business will do whatever makes sense. If they find a local, they will hire him! Why? Because it is cheaper!! Bahamian workers are as cheap as chips compared to bringing in an expat. The problem is: there aren't any!

OldFort2012 says...

You do not understand. The $250k is only the capital you have to put in the company. It has nothing to do with any other personal spending.

Second, there is no law that says that these people, once here, will not find suitable Bahamians to add to their staff instead of adding to staff in Germany. I very much doubt they could find anyone suitable at the moment, but that is the fault of the Bahamian education system, not theirs. Let Bahamians educate themselves and they will have opportunity. Now they have nothing.

OldFort2012 says...

You are right. You would get billions. But only with vacant possession.

No one wants to buy land with squatters on it.

Where would we all go to? Haiti?

On Enterprise Bill may have changes

Posted 29 November 2017, 6:32 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Let me help you. With a concrete example.

5 German guys have an online software distribution business. They pay about 60% of net profits in tax in Germany, between corporation and income tax.

If those 5 guys relocate here and set up a company, they can leave all operating staff in Germany and communicate with them online, issuing instructions, etc.. The local company will contract the German company to perform services and pay it just enough to cover overheads, leaving almost nothing to pay in German corporation tax. Since they now live here, they are no longer tax resident in Germany and pay no income tax. Their net take home pay has just doubled. Do you get it now?

Ahhhh....ThisisOurs will say: but what do WE get? Let's do the maths. Each buys a $3m house. That is $1.5m in property sales tax. Another 150k a year in property tax. Each spends $200k/year in living expenses. That is $75k in VAT. Not enough? They will employ maids, cleaners and a secretary. Still not enough? Personally, I wish we could attract a million of them.

OldFort2012 says...

Dead right.

How is a nanotechnology company or a software firm with 5 foreigners going to compete with Bahamians? The people criticising this Bill have not even read it.

On Ingraham raps enterprise bill

Posted 29 November 2017, 2:16 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Banker is right.

The problem with your argument is that the other guy does NOT need us. Never has, never will. We are trying to entice HIM to come to US. There is no "negotiation". It's take your trousers down time and assume the position, while you hope that he uses some butter. That is what 50 years of wonderful and efficient government has done to us.

On Ingraham raps enterprise bill

Posted 29 November 2017, 4:50 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Oh, pardon me. I thought we were desperate. But now I can see everything is going swimmingly and we don't need anyone's knowledge. We are world leaders in nanotechnology. Carry on as we are. All is perfect.

On Ingraham raps enterprise bill

Posted 28 November 2017, 7:37 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

I thought the old codger was old and wise, now I see he is just old. $250k is not enough? How much do you need to rent an office of 1,000 square feet and put in 5 desks and 5 computers?
That is all you need nowadays. You don't need land, you don't need buildings. You don't need big investment. You need knowledge.

On Ingraham raps enterprise bill

Posted 28 November 2017, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Mudda, you have to be a politician (or a lawyer, which is the same). When you have no counter argument, you shift the rhetoric to xenophobia and popular myth, then get a paid alter ego to support you to show how "clever" you are. Contemptible.
For your information: the Bahamas has no natural resources. A few fish and a bit of salt is not something anyone is interested in nowadays. If it were different, you could have forgotten about Independence, the Brits would have killed us all and kept the loot. What they did is run away as fast as they could, which indicates that there is nothing of any interest to anyone here.

No one is interested in the people of the Bahamas, least of all Bahamians. It is not foreigners killing us in record numbers, it is not foreigners dealing drugs, it is not foreigners running numbers houses, it is not foreigners stealing and corrupting at every opportunity. No, it is all Bahamians. Until you and the rest of the "it is all a conspiracy to do us down" mob realise that the problem is with US and not some mythical THEM, there is no hope here. I realise you are beyond help...maybe your great grandchildren?

On Minnis: Financial sector is 'dying'

Posted 28 November 2017, 4:16 a.m. Suggest removal