Comment history

OldFort2012 says...

No, it is not a concluded binding deal. It is up to new Administration to review it and finalise it, if it so wishes.

OldFort2012 says...

A very wise man once said: "If you will need to swallow a bunch of frogs, take the largest and swallow it immediately."

OldFort2012 says...

The Romans said: Panem et Circenses. Bread and Games. If you can't give them bread, give them games. Unfortunately "games" entertain you for a short time only. Bread will need to be found, sooner or later. For that you need to grow the economy. Abolish the hundreds of moronic rules that stop business developing and there will be a decent chance of that. I, for my part, have a business idea and capital ready. But I will wait for at least 1 year to see what kind of government this is before making a final decision.

OldFort2012 says...

Agree with everything you say. A leader's vision and deeds are very important. My worry is that it is not going to be enough. He literally has to change mindsets which have been forged by generations. But it is a small step, let us hope it is followed by many more. He needs all our prayers, goodwill and willingness to work much harder on improving ourselves.

OldFort2012 says...

Not that I want to piss on the parade, but the fact remains that all the problems we had yesterday, we have today. If we compare the Bahamas to a boat headed for a very sharp reef, we have probably slowed the boat from 30 knots to 10 but have not changed course. That will take years of hard work. I pray to God that Doc has the vision and ability necessary for this enormous task. Time will tell. But I am not optimistic. Not because I have anything against Doc. I don't. I just think the overall consciousness of what it takes to succeed in the digital age is generally very low and the skillset Bahamians have to compete in it is practically zero and that does not change one iota with political changes. Very steep learning curve ahead of us. May God help us. And Minnis.

OldFort2012 says...

How very Third World.

OldFort2012 says...

He is a Presumptive Lifer in Prison.

OldFort2012 says...

0% GDP growth for 4 years straight, 12% unemployment, massive budget deficits, GDP to debt ratio of over 75%...and these guys want an upgrade? Pigs will fly first.

OldFort2012 says...

The Fed is "owned" by private bankers? Stop believing every conspiracy theory out there and Google it instead.
or even:…

OldFort2012 says...

Lie on top of lies. Now investigative journalists: go and find out how many scholarships were approved, for how much and where the funds came from. If he lied...jail time!