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OldFort2012 says...

I went through Matthew and it was a direct hit. Total bill: $1,000 for some roof tiles and $2,000 for clearing the gardens and yard and replanting. The insurance co. wanted $20k/year with a $25k excess. Ridiculous. Invest your money in following proper building standards and build out of reinforced concrete as opposed to timber. And tell the insurers to go to hell.

On Summit’s Matthew loss peaks at $37m

Posted 26 February 2017, 8:15 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

Let's actually analyze what he said and I quote: " Believe it or not, they want your money, they want you to spend it, but they don’t like you. "
Anyone disagree?

OldFort2012 says...

Well, if you don't know how to solve a problem from the supply side, solve it from the demand side. If you don't know how to create conditions for sustained employment and growth which would gainfully employ your entire population, the answer is simple: reduce the population. It is what it is: an admission of abject failure and cluelessness.

OldFort2012 says...

Time is what The Bahamas does not have. If the current external debt coming due over the next 3 years cannot be refinanced, default will be quickly followed by devaluation. It appears almost inevitable now. Whoever wins the next General Election, will have an almost impossible task. Better start farming now. Food will triple in price when the absurd illusion that a B$=US$ is finally ended by market forces.

OldFort2012 says...

Just some clarifications: no one receives "citizenship" for investing in the Bahamas. Just residence (the right to reside here), without the right to work. Huge difference. Secondly: how would you employ Bahamians if you do not have the right to work? Finally: employ them to do what? If I could find some qualified software programmers, I might. It's just that there are none.

OldFort2012 says...

Unfortunately there is absolutely nothing that can be done. Market forces will force wages in the Bahamas down to about $300 per month on average. Lets face it: we are under-educated and VASTLY overpaid. Till our wages do not fall to levels in Dominicana, Haiti and Cuba we will just be in freefall, starting now. But look on the bright side: Obama has solved our immigration problem at a stroke.

OldFort2012 says...

Why not just go straight to the logical conclusion? Carrying cards is a pain in the ass, just chip us like dogs. Then an immigration officer can carry a chip reader and process us like goods at the supermarket till.


Posted 22 January 2014, 7:55 a.m. Suggest removal

OldFort2012 says...

The death penalty is barbaric. Period. It is not for civilised countries like the Bahamas. Period.
The solution to crime is much simpler and more dignified.
1/ Ban all weapons. The UK did it 10 years ago without any problems. All you can own is a shotgun for hunting.
2/ DNA fingerprint the entire population.
3/ Face recognize the entire population.
4/ Install thousands of face recognition cameras, one on every street corner.
Who is going to commit a crime when there is 100% certainty of capture and jail time? Plus the above is much cheaper than more officers and overtime, etc...