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OliviaPope says...

Something is not a fact just because you write a colon after it "Fact:". I love how you questioned the writer above and then you go on to say things like "They usually support their communities first and purchase outside their communities only when needed. Their buying power with most Bahamian businesses is not substantive." Haha, classic! But seriously your a racist right? Poor argument: F minus (racist)

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 7 November 2014, 8:18 a.m. Suggest removal

OliviaPope says...

Really!? Poor argument: F (see below)

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 7 November 2014, 8:13 a.m. Suggest removal

OliviaPope says...

So by your estimate there are no employed Bahamians or if they are employed they are not earning a wage. Furthermore the Haitians (all) are being "carted off" and nobody will be left to spend money. Then the Bahamians that didn't have jobs will gain the jobs left by the Haitians. You really are mad but not very clever. Poor argument: F+

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 7 November 2014, 8:12 a.m. Suggest removal

OliviaPope says...

Which businesses? Why would some businesses seeing sales fall cause the holiday season to be gloomy for consumers and businesses? Are they large employers where are you getting 50% from. Poor argument: F

On ‘Terrified Haitians going into hiding’

Posted 7 November 2014, 8:05 a.m. Suggest removal