Comment history

One says...

Absolutely. The little investment in locals goes for political favours. We need a market that rewards those who will execute competitive and valuable services not greedy idiots with connections. We live in a country ruled by monopolies, oligarchs, unions and mob bosses.

Slavery 2.0. We're not operating a free market economy where each individual has the power to move up and down the socioeconomic ladder based on merit and competence.

On AG: Land reform key to luring investors

Posted 10 February 2022, 1:12 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Already max out his union pension amount. Now working on a max government pension.

One says...

The kids are happy though. Good for them.

One says...

The last time I went to Potters Cay the worker was embarrassed to tell me to use the toilet you walk to the back and relive yourself directly into the ocean. After that, I'm supposed to come back and enjoy the conch salad.

I know we can do better and I know there are Bahamians that know how to do better. But we live in a society where those people don't get the opportunities. Opportunities go to those who know the right people not to who will create the best product.

On Vendors satisfied with Potter’s Cay plans

Posted 2 February 2022, 6:40 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Taxpayer money going to build back these mismanaged businesses. Government shouldn't be involved. Create the conditions for private market development and innovation. Potters Cay is a slum. We must set our standards higher if we want to elevate our society out of these conditions. Look across the harbour at Paradise Island, if they can do great things on our land then what's stopping us? Potters Cay could be a world-class tourist destination. A marketplace to get the freshest foods and crafts coming from the family islands. A place where Bahamians go to get a taste of the family island cultures on a nice evening dinner.

Where's the vision? We settle for this slack lifestyle.

This easy handout lifestyle where most of us "working" for the government or begging, living and working in slums. Hoping for some politician to save us instead of being empowered to do great things ourselves.

On Vendors satisfied with Potter’s Cay plans

Posted 2 February 2022, 6:27 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

rich off of the poor and ignorant people. it should be illegal

On Digital payments player sees off Sebas seizure

Posted 20 January 2022, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

There should've been a revolution when the people voted NO to legalization but the Government did it anyway. It was blatant evidence of the lie that we live in a democracy.

On Betting shops new levy scrapped

Posted 5 January 2022, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Bahamas government and regulation is too weak to support this type of operation. The next hurricane will do the same thing. Image how much was already washed away by the storm.

One says...

Nothing will come of this, insurance will cover the loss of assets. But the damage to the people's environment won't matter and little will be done to avoid future incidents.

Image how much pollution is dumped in our water daily by all the cruise ships, yachts and commercial ships. The environment is our greatest asset yet we spend little towards caring and protecting it.