Comment history

One says...

The financial sector has little impact to the Bahamian economy. You have financial institutions managing billions of dollars but it stays within the organisation while inflating our economy. If the country taxed these institutions they would leave. The only thing that makes the Bahamas attractive to them is the fact that they can keep more money to themselves.

This company's entire staff for Bahamas operations is 30. That's 30 jobs for managing billions of dollars. That's not that many jobs relative to the value of the business. Also how many of those 30 jobs are Bahamians?

On 30 jobs lost as Julius Baer closes

Posted 4 February 2020, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Deuteronomy 24:15:
*Pay them their wages each day before sunset, because they are poor and are counting on it. Otherwise they may cry to the Lord against you, and you will be guilty of sin.*

You have minimum wage and part time staff that can't afford to wait 2 weeks. They shouldn't have to send their children to bed hungry, waiting 2 weeks to be paid.

On Staff fume at salaries change

Posted 4 February 2020, 10:37 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

I see no major shifts in our society away from oil and gas. If we opposed this for environmental reasons we should also oppose electricity generation via oil and gas. Also transition to electric vehicles. Otherwise we're consuming the same amount of oil and gas expect buying it from other countries. Our environmental impact remains unchanged; this is an economic change.


Posted 3 February 2020, 10:44 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

Also we have to stop this FNM and PLP blame game. It's a distraction. The country has a problem; it doesn't matter which government is in power. I'm an Bahamian not a PLP or FNM this isn't a basketball game; people's lives are being ruined by the direction of the country.

One says...

It is a big deal! Do you know how much money was lost because the planes were down? Do we know how much extra was spent to rush the installation of the kits versus doing it in advance during one of the scheduled maintenance windows? no; we don't! why? Because our media does a horrible job at investigative journalism to help the common person understand what's happening in the country. And our politicians think we're all idiots.

One says...

Our democracy has failed and it's up to the common people to fight for our freedom and democracy again. We voted NO to legalization of gambling and they allowed it anyway. This added fuel to the rapid decline of Bahamian society. The family islands were hit hard by gambling the little money that would usually circulate within the islands economy is being siphoned out as people gamble for hope out of their situation.

One says...

Weird picture...

On Minnis asks - how can you help?

Posted 12 September 2019, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

One says...

What a shame.

One says...

What a joke; we could use more criticism. Hiding behind pride and feelings doesn't promote progress. We should be in a position to produce evidence of our competence and if we can't then present a plan to improve. More training, accountability and improve work ethic. Most importantly separate Government from business. We have a problem where politics (who you know) gets you a job not the attributes needed for the job.

On Apology? You can put it in writing

Posted 18 July 2019, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

One says...

This is a distraction. Lazy news is too common. It's easy to report what politicians say than investigating objective truths.

On Post office deal ‘wrapped in lies’

Posted 15 July 2019, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal