These 100 BPL workers too busy or too good to clean a bathroom? Take the matter into your own hands. When they see highly paid workers using their paid hours to clean; then perhaps the business will consider hiring more cleaning staff at a considerably lower hourly rate. And perhaps the BPL workers will have greater respect for the facilities.
Who has fallen? The rich are still rich and might is still right. A couple pawns receiving white collar convictions will change nothing. We can only endeavor to change things in our reach; beyond that effort is wasted. Live your life the way you think the world should live.
Thank God they are slapping. If we push this to the extreme then officers will also go to the extreme to protect themselves. The officers could shoot people instead. Claiming they were assaulted and feared for their lives; happens in other countries. Granted some officers are arrogant and corrupt but some are just trying to achieve law and order for our safety. They are just like us trying to do a job to pay their bills and get home safe. Slapping is a relatively benign act to punish someone who thinks it's acceptable to physically contact an officer.
What happened to the Bahamian Christian Council? They used to stop certain movies and concerts from playing in the Bahamas. Why not stop gambling? The family islands have been devastated by this industry; siphoning the little money circulating in their local economies.
Agreed. Instead of a % of the profits all proceeds should go to the government to fund social assistance programs. The USA and Canada does this. This industry takes the little money people have by selling dreams. Once the gambler is out of money they're a burden on the government and society. This sort of gambling preys on the desperate and unintelligent.
We are all from the Africa. We are all brothers and sisters. Treat each other with love, kindness and respect. What happened here was a tragedy. Abuse of power is a major issue in our country. We need honest and respectful leadership.
One says...
These 100 BPL workers too busy or too good to clean a bathroom? Take the matter into your own hands. When they see highly paid workers using their paid hours to clean; then perhaps the business will consider hiring more cleaning staff at a considerably lower hourly rate. And perhaps the BPL workers will have greater respect for the facilities.
On Maynard fumes over BPL toilets
Posted 14 March 2019, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
Who has fallen? The rich are still rich and might is still right. A couple pawns receiving white collar convictions will change nothing. We can only endeavor to change things in our reach; beyond that effort is wasted. Live your life the way you think the world should live.
On US State Department report: No campaign finance laws leave country vulnerable to corruption
Posted 14 March 2019, 11:39 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
Poverty pays off.
On Bahamas has no Boeing 737 MAX planes
Posted 14 March 2019, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
Thank God they are slapping. If we push this to the extreme then officers will also go to the extreme to protect themselves. The officers could shoot people instead. Claiming they were assaulted and feared for their lives; happens in other countries. Granted some officers are arrogant and corrupt but some are just trying to achieve law and order for our safety. They are just like us trying to do a job to pay their bills and get home safe. Slapping is a relatively benign act to punish someone who thinks it's acceptable to physically contact an officer.
On Video shows policeman slapping man in club
Posted 14 March 2019, 11:16 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
*subject to qualified labour being available and the need to ensure the highest level of technical compliance with international standards*
Where are the jobs posted?
On Disney’s go-ahead in ‘$400m’ project: Lighthouse Point plan allows land for national park
Posted 11 March 2019, 5 p.m. Suggest removal
One says...…
On INSIGHT: A win-win which we should not be afraid to support
Posted 19 February 2019, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
What happened to the Bahamian Christian Council? They used to stop certain movies and concerts from playing in the Bahamas. Why not stop gambling? The family islands have been devastated by this industry; siphoning the little money circulating in their local economies.
On INSIGHT: Smart move to cash in and settle with the numbers boys
Posted 19 February 2019, 11:22 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
Agreed. Instead of a % of the profits all proceeds should go to the government to fund social assistance programs. The USA and Canada does this. This industry takes the little money people have by selling dreams. Once the gambler is out of money they're a burden on the government and society. This sort of gambling preys on the desperate and unintelligent.
On INSIGHT: Smart move to cash in and settle with the numbers boys
Posted 19 February 2019, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
Exactly; we may one day find ourselves migrating for survival. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
On Seeking justice after six and a half years in Detention Centre
Posted 12 February 2019, 11:11 a.m. Suggest removal
One says...
We are all from the Africa. We are all brothers and sisters. Treat each other with love, kindness and respect. What happened here was a tragedy. Abuse of power is a major issue in our country. We need honest and respectful leadership.
On Seeking justice after six and a half years in Detention Centre
Posted 12 February 2019, 11:07 a.m. Suggest removal