Comment history

OrdinaryMan says... comments are spot on - for the 1970s and earlier. Since then however, our Bahamas has the same problem as most of the other countries on this Earth: unequal sharing of the opportunities, jobs access, ability to get more influential power without selling one's self-respect, and above all, corruption by whoever happens to be the ruling 'in circle' at the moment. In other words, while plantation owners have been replace by the same kind of greedy, me-first black Bahamians who exploit and frustration the opportunities of ordinary Bahamians. But white slave stuff - c'mon, that's just an excuse these days. Instead, look to the selfish, just-us crowd that are currently running things. Both parties included.

OrdinaryMan says... tribanon - your ranting about pandemic conspiracies is unusual for the Tribune242 readership....are you, perhaps, a Russian 'bot, or a QAnon follower? I mean, you sure sound like one.

But really....Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates teaming up with China to enslave us all? Ho-ho-ho - good one - except, that kinda of dangerous b.s. is what had mental idiots storming the U.S. Capitol building. Time for you pay attention to real news, Sir

OrdinaryMan says...

Both Chucky and Clamshell miss the mark with their criticism of inigo 'naughty' zenicazelaya's columns. His column on Bahamian life is his reflection and insights into our people, the trials we regularly endure, the frustrating regularity of incompetency and corruption most of us folks have to wade through daily. He lightly seasons these observations with humor - he does not strive to simply deliver a 'funny, comedic' column. Inigo is like Trevor Noah - an observer who looks at the semi-madness of life around him and tries to reflect it back to us with a spoonful of wryness. Kudos to him.

OrdinaryMan says...

Ah, banker....(sigh). Your pain and frustration for a beloved,devolving land always linger in the background of your comments in this Tribune forum. I hope you live to see a change from the similar cultural/mindset forces that are now threatening my USA-land.

Quiet despair aside, one truth still remains: while there is life, there is still hope. That, and the fact that amonst the life-harried masses there are also real human beings who are doing what they can, where they can, when they can. Keep on truckin' banker.

OrdinaryMan says...

banker !! - glad to see you're still on the planet. Have missed your trenchant observations about all-thing Bahamian.'re heads-up about experiential tourism being a smart way for the Bahama tourism sector to go..well... your underlying pessimism seems currently justified. And hope for Bahamas future? Perhaps in segments of its younger people, the ones just coming up, getting info and cultural blueprints from e-sources/media beyond their immediate neighborhoods. And perhaps from mentors returning from abroad to initiate mentorship-type programs to better clue-in those young people. After all, if someone doesn't do it, it just might not get done. Peace, Sir.

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - !!! Good to see you back, especially with your as-usual insightful observations about your beloved Bahamas.

Sigh. It's genuinely too bad you and a group of similar-minded Bahamians are not in charge of your country's future - seriously. Still, I hope your current professional sojourn is enlivening that practical, empathetic mind of yours. Perhaps the future holds a more engaged return to Bahama-land someday.

OrdinaryMan says...

....."it did'nt go too well. The monkeys are now retarded...."

....banker - oh my, oh my !

(remind me to stay on your good side..)

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - one of the bright notes in my daily read of the Tribune242 has been your insightful, often sharp-witted comments and observations about the Disfigured Beauty known as the Bahamas. Your pain over the continuing loss of the humanity and promise of your beloved country was always apparent under the surface of your observations. Sorry to hear, glad to hear, that you've found renewed lifehope in another geo area, yet it's understood that a big part of your heart will continue to grieve for Bahamasland. I get it.
Should you ever find yourself in Vermont/SoCal, give me an e-ring: lunch and conversation. Both my wife and I appreciate your mind.

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - your - restraint - in this reply to commentator paul_vincent_zecchino is impressive in it's maturity.

Sigh....i have yet to reach that stage of development, but it is nice to see demonstrated somewhere, by someone. Points to you.

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - you are awesome dude !! (um...that's respectful informality, sir). There are days when the only reason I sign in to the Tribune242 is to see if you've written one of your cogent comments. I get a clearer picture of what is really happening in the Bahamas (i'm a USA Vermonter) via your organized thoughts. Thanks. (sigh....I had my eye on a second home in Abaco but now understand that I & family would be better off waiting for a regime change. (Assuming a newly-elected political crowd with a tad more integrity and empathy for its fellow citizens. One can only hope.) I sincerely wish more guys/gals like you were positioned to challenge the current kleptos.