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OrdinaryMan says...

banker...i normally admire your astute comments, so allow me to query: you say, "...Several disaffected early members state that it is an outright lie."

Um,, how credible are these 'disaffected' early members...assuming they are not 'sour grapes' folks. Also, since ALL politicians have to lie to some degree, with some lies being relevant and others being irrelevant, do you personally know Branville enough to accurately judge his character?
Just wonderin'. Sir.

On Where do we go from here?

Posted 12 August 2016, 11:38 a.m. Suggest removal

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - your comments always reflect an unusually informed, savy and high quality mind. Why not step up more in the public arena with like-minded people known to you. Just as a realistic Bernie Sanders influenced the DNC and Hillary's platform towards greater progressiveness (in spite of issues), so too can you and your like-minded compatriots gang up on Branville Mc to walk a better straight line.

Up Here in the States us progressive types have had to accept the common sense of the second-best choice - for now - as an acceptable half-step towards later progress - rather than simply say "F*ck it!" and turn away completely from Choice Ridiculous vs. Choice Default.

You have the ability, banker, and life is indeed too short; importantly, what else are you doing with your time right now?? Bust a move, bro.

Just saying. There's no way you are alone, and even with just a single room full of like-minded friends, you and they can perhaps influence Branville towards better navigation for the Bahamian people.

On OrdinaryMan

Posted 11 August 2016, 11:49 a.m. Suggest removal

OrdinaryMan says...

Hello - I'm new to this site, taking a look at things before buying a place in the Bahamas. From the comments after the article, I'm now wondering: as a expat homeowner in the country, will it be illegal for me to, say, plant a garden on my property, or mow its lawn, or paint its porch. Just wondering, folks, but wondering seriously.

Any advice, kindly sought??

On Are expats still welcome in The Bahamas?

Posted 16 December 2015, 11:21 a.m. Suggest removal

OrdinaryMan says...

banker - just want to express appreciation for you always-trenchant comments and observations. You got a perceptive mind, man...but you already knew that. Hat's off.