Comment history

OutaTime says...

The PLP was criticized because they were corrupt to the core and acted as though they were above the law. Time will hopefully now reveal just how corrupt they were.

OutaTime says...
OutaTime says...

That is true that it is a shame this is only now coming to light as there may well have been private Bahamian citizens who would have helped.

However, that doesn't excuse the fact that Fred Mitchell was asleep at the wheel and clearly was not putting any pressure on the Haitian authorities to make sure the Bahamians in custody were given due process - or even treated like humanely.

His arrogance and incompetence are a disgrace to the office he represents.

OutaTime says...

Instead of taxing companies out of business, the government should focus on compliance with the MP financial disclosure rules.

They should fine every MP $10,000 for each year they have not submitted financial disclosures - going back to when the rule was first put in place and covering ALL MPs, fnm, plp, dna. That should bring in a few million at least.

They need to start ensuring MP compliance with LAWS, before making poorly thought through changes to business license fees and filing dates that will force many to close.

On 40% low on Business Licence Compliance

Posted 29 January 2016, 3:07 p.m. Suggest removal

OutaTime says...

Whoever approved the changes clearly has no idea how businesses run and didn't think about the impact on profits.

They should focus on MP compliance with financial disclosure - and with making everyone who hasn't filed on time pays the $10,000 fine, for every year that hasn't been filed. That should be done for ALL MPs, from the time the rule was implemented. That should raise a few million alone.

On 40% low on Business Licence Compliance

Posted 29 January 2016, 2:46 p.m. Suggest removal