Comment history

PBizzell says...

They did offer their time and service for free! Just wanted to be re-imbursed for the expenses incurred in each surgery. Please read my post below

PBizzell says...

The news is not accurate! Please read my post below and see the truth.

PBizzell says...

No not idiots!, Please read my post below and try and get someBahamian pride in what the VMAB are trying to do....or are you one of those Bahamians who sit on their asses and wait for foreigns to solve the countries problems for them!

PBizzell says...

The only sensible part of your post is the Biblical quote with which I wholeheartedly agree. Please read my post below and understand a little more about what we are offering to do!

PBizzell says...

Too late!! Most of us have already bred! Read my post below and try to properly understand what is going on here!

PBizzell says...

No no no! Not idiots!, read by post below and apologize!!

PBizzell says...

Actually not so! Giving their time for free and getting repaid for the costs incurred in the surgeries!

PBizzell says...

No not morons!! Not getting paid!! Patriotic volunteers giving up their own practices for a day or two and getting re-imbursed for the materials they use. Read my post and apologize!

PBizzell says...

No no no,, not sick, not selfish, not money hungry!!! See my later post and apologize please!,

PBizzell says...

Where's the greedy?? Bahamian vets volunteer their time, give up their practices for a day or two, use their own resources which cost around $50.00 per dog and get re-paid for these! The current cost of a dog spay in the USA is at least $300.00. If I spay 20 dogs for you at $50.00 each I make no profit I repeat....Where's the greedy.....