Comment history

PKMShack says...

you get what you vote, show me the money, and we will take it

PKMShack says...

Well ma boy, put up or shut up I do agree.

On PLP chairman hits out at MP

Posted 24 September 2014, 3:23 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

by when election comes, either they pay by a loss at he polls or the win big with the number bosses New Leadership coming

PKMShack says...

should of been saying that 1st time around when it was up for a vote, jackass

PKMShack says...

@ concern it's not we its you and others if you fall for it

PKMShack says...

Sure the deal is a bad one! they help put it together and with a few words most believe that the deal is a bad one, sure Mr. Lawyer sure, AND with these guys track record you think that they are now going to stand up against them with no dog in the race, sure. AND once again most fall for the simple words and believe, think people think take it with a grain of salt. If the deal is so bad why not move their business elsewhere?

PKMShack says...

same old folks same old solutions, buy used for now forget buy new for the future. new leadership with new minds.

On BEC to spend $6m on new generators

Posted 20 September 2014, 11:46 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Lock me up. better off locking up ya Ma bey

PKMShack says...

For the dummies who voted for this dummy, listen to the lead dummy! I think he really believes what he is stating. And worst of all he thinks others do as well.

On PM says gaming laws are a model for other nations

Posted 13 September 2014, 10:57 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

they got what they voted for

On Gov't told: Abandon VAT on e-commerce

Posted 12 September 2014, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal