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PKMShack says...

Grant Thornton won't be revealing any such thing,,,they did there inquiry and provided results with out talking to Cargill. Cronies hired by Cronies
I'm sure they did not think Cargill would snitch them out.

On UPDATES: NIB report cost govt $861,000

Posted 15 May 2013, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

MAN Call election these bunch of thieves got to go.
Tal aka PGC please please don't bring up HAI and the red shirts because the yellow shirts are only fighting amoung themseleves. Another failure but hey,,,,you get what you vote for nothing. I see why they say City of Gold,,,,,Cargill the peoples champ dis time,,,,

On UPDATES: NIB report cost govt $861,000

Posted 15 May 2013, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@jackflash, ,,,Where is TAL to defend this.
Like he Cargill said,,,,He also is a PLP so they eating each other alive on this one. PLP all the way....bunch of dummies.
They only need to know,,,The enemy of of my enemy is always my Friend.....
Tal let me hear you blame HAI for posting Cargill at NIB

On Claim over award of contracts

Posted 15 May 2013, 4:23 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Hopefully the people they where trying to defend will help pay their bills. Be accountable for your own actions. Giant vs The little guy.....the giant wins. Take note folks, that was not the goverment they where playing with.....Like we Bahamains say,,, You think this a Game. They are know being accountable for their own actions.

On RIU staff fired after public protest

Posted 15 May 2013, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Oh how we love to blame, accountability is something we do not have but we need.

PKMShack says...

what a damn shame of a police dept. are we in a 5th world country or what

PKMShack says...

@Tal if you still stand by your words then Chrisite is to blame. And you voted for a useless leader who everyone knew would do the same thing again once returned to the helm. Whats your excuse for a wasted vote? Hold him accountable,,,,and if you know now what you knew then you voted color not whats best for the country. (hence our country's problem) We the younger generation will save this country when the old guard is gone.

PKMShack says...

Until we get pass the colors things will remain the same, right is right and wrong will always be wrong. We need major change. Too much of always pointing a finger to see who did less wrong, HAI did this PGC did that, when both have failed us in service to some point. 2013 and we still have people sticking to color. Move up Bahamains we need to get out of the darkness,,,,,,, our country needs it. Forget the colors and lets find and appoint people who has our country at the helm. Tired of the pointing fingers. LOP did what he did, HAI did what he did, PGC did and now doing his part. Let's hold their feet to the fire today and not hold the past in the present. If PGC seems to be lacking in his JOB let's hold him accountable like we should. PERIOD

PKMShack says...

Is PGC aka Tal Russell? I'm just saying...

PKMShack says...

@ Iron I read it, maybe TAL can't read. lol Thanks for proofing what you are speaking,,,Where you at Tal or did the link not work for you. It was in the first few lines.....let me give you the link again.……




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On MP demands answer on PLP pledge

Posted 8 May 2013, 4:07 p.m. Suggest removal