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PKMShack says...

And they said they was ready to govern from day one.....I just hope the dollar dont get devalued within the next 3 yrs. PLP=piece lilbit & plenty Who voted these folks in oh yeah TAL did .lol

On Halkitis: No drastic cuts

Posted 5 March 2013, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ johnLOL but putting it back in our hands will put us back in the 0 G network like it was before. I'm just saying. If it was not sold we would still be there without any changes. Offer me some shares like they did with the port, and the brewery.

On PM: We can't afford to buy back BTC

Posted 5 March 2013, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@King I agree to a point. When we stop asking the US for aid, we can do as we please. Anit nothing free and the White House wants their money and their US Companies back on their soil. That will help their country grow cash and jobs. Until we stop sticking our hand out as a nation we can't call shots. Obama looking out for his country first like any leader should. Wait till the Chinese come calling cause they have spent a long dollar also, anit nothing free

PKMShack says...

Sell this over staffed company and I bet any Bahamain owner or outside company will get BEC in line. Not many Governments around the world still have ownership of utilities. AND while they selling that mess sell Bahamasair TOO.

On BEC staring at $40-$50m loss

Posted 5 March 2013, 3:44 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Tal dont you know HAI is gone. When will you get over it and stick to the issues at hand. Lets see where and why the money is needed, or do you not think they will explain.

On Minnis: Where did money go?

Posted 5 March 2013, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

The only effect the law will require is that US persons hiding money in the Bahamas for tax purposes now have to pay taxes on that money also. Obama stated that since 2006. No longer will americans be able to avoid the IRS. Off shore banking is a thing of the past for Americans. You make the money in the US pay your taxes, simple. If the Bahamas want to continue to receive money from big brother all we have to do is report their citizens. To easy.

PKMShack says...

Tal and PLP supporters, can't see a swing if they was swinging in it. Another lie swept under the rug....LOL Use your brains and just admit ya boy is full of it,,,,Again

On PM: We can't afford to buy back BTC

Posted 28 February 2013, 1:36 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@Tal Russell.....Oh don.t try that. You voted for him because he was good for the country in your heart, this is what you get when you vote Party and not Brains. Just say you miss your HAI you so dearly hate. But he did put our Bahamas first compared to these bunch of clowns you help put in there.....

PKMShack says...

Making his father proud, or maybe we should believe that people are born gay, sissy A..

PKMShack says...

Tal thats what you see and understand from the article, what a same. True PLP are the staements true or false is what our nation should consider.