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PKMShack says...

perry please leave, please man for the nation need no more of you and your old staffers called mp's now good bye

PKMShack says...

Chinese don't owe the Bahamian people 19 mil, they owe BEC, unless you get a cut from BEC (and if you do you let me know because I deserve better service from BEC.) I don't see no money from BEC so I straight. As for the comment about BTC it's in better shape that when the Gov. owned it. and yes i have my share of shares thanks to the Hubert

On Baha Mar files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Posted 30 June 2015, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

you get what you voted for, now next time vote your brain and not colors. don't cry now you ALL knew better that to let perry and his band of bull shittttters back at the controls,, now take responsibility for your vote and blame the person in the mirror. better to do business with the devil you know rather than the one you don't. China giving loans to us and taking jobs all at the same time, Now ask perry where the money from those loans he keep getting or is it papa fault like Obama kept blaming bush for his first 4 years in office

On Baha Mar files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

Posted 30 June 2015, 8:33 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Bahamians mindya business and figure out how we will survive with all the B.S. we have at our shores. Too worried about other people tings and business. Trust me you won't find no one worrying about our business on these islands we have.

PKMShack says...

Who cares about America and their social issues. We need to worry about ourselves. WE have way bigger problems in our own country.

PKMShack says...

Deal with it, if you voted PLP or DNA you got what you voted for. All the scandals and corruption. When will you all learn.

PKMShack says...

yinna don't learn, look at this gov. track record, I believe everything pgc tells me, yeah right!

PKMShack says...

international laws covers a lot more than the government mentions. You want outside money you follow the rules. Mitchell talked big to gain support but he knew what he was saying would not happen, why you think he sent a mouth piece to make this announcement. Even the U.S. don't block education to the Mexicans who parents are their without the proper status.
@ grassrooot With the current work force, bad customer service, union driven power to cave in any business why should i invest my money here at home? No Thank you. Like it or not it is what it is. Worst of all I would have to be in my business as an employee to make sure my merchandise does not walk out of the door

PKMShack says...

Look in the MIRROR who you voted for? Now blame oneself. If you did not know better then your the fool and they still laughing. PLP all the WAY

On Carnival told to ‘get it together’

Posted 12 February 2015, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Tal is one ASS

On Bran: PM's comments 'hypocrisy personified'

Posted 10 February 2015, 11:58 a.m. Suggest removal