Comment history

PLP_Catastrophe says...

I never trusted him, especially when he voted **yes to VAT**. He has no integrity, like the rest of the PLP

PLP_Catastrophe says...

***Why isn't da Tribune keeping us up to date on the Rhon Knowles and Kevin Leach?***……

The third video shows Miriam Knowles Culmer, mother of Rhon Knowles.

Didn't know before this that Rhon Knowls is Perry Christie's Godchild, ohh well....

On Bahamians in fraud probe held in Belize

Posted 26 September 2014, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

On Bahamians in fraud probe held in Belize

Posted 26 September 2014, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Ohhhh what a miserable life we have sunk into, **power off for 8 hours yesterday and 10 hours today** and on top of payin high light bill every month for electricity I ain't used, dey want me to pay dem $30 more for this misery? ***hell "no".***

On BEC to spend $6m on new generators

Posted 21 September 2014, 5:33 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Rollins is not to be trusted - he voted ***YES to VAT***, and hence the catastrophe of the poor and working class Bahamians...these are the darkest days in Bahamian history.

On MP hits out discrimination in gaming bill

Posted 15 September 2014, 9:11 a.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

I read in the Belize news that Bahamians ***Rohn Knowles and Kelvin Leach*** are in police custody after they were intercepted trying to fly out of Belize headed for the Bahamas last Friday, and **“Both men have been named in a federal indictment accusing them of participating in a scheme which defrauded the US Government of 1 billion Belize dollars in taxes.**, and the **“US authorities said they will seek to extradite Knowles, Leach, and another to face trial in that country..."** read more online....about des "PLPs"....

On PM says gaming laws are a model for other nations

Posted 14 September 2014, 11:17 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

yes, "dummy" I finally agreed with something yu said ***“everything that happens in the Bahamas now insofar as our economy is concerned is under **global scrutiny*** - like ya PLP family Rohn Knowles, son of Tiger Finlayson and Miriam Knowles, and ya godson:……

On PM says gaming laws are a model for other nations

Posted 14 September 2014, 10:18 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Martelly rounding up he Haitians dem, yellin jump in nex boat for leavin Bahamas next day early, impregnate Bahamas with plenty babeeeee, make plenty shanty towns, quick, all Islands, cause no Bahamian notice shanty towns, Bahamian like shanty towns, make shanty towns right on the street, so people can see you, cause Immigration dem, Policeman, dem, Fred Mitchel dem, PLP dem drive by and dey dont pay NO attention to shanty towns, no body gonna bother you, you are the people who gonna make the Bahamas my next Haitian Nation…. but in meantime, keep sending dat money home to Haiti, to me, so I can stay rich, and get richer, and make the Bahamas more pore, and, por, por, por, ya see, and see you soon in Bahamas when I make next speeches cause soone one day I gonna make Bahamas number 2 “Haitian Nation”, and I leader.

On 100 migrants caught at Ragged Island

Posted 25 August 2014, 3:24 p.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

that was a **HUGE** disappointment when Rollins voted **yes to VAT**, I expected otherwise after his *rant*....says a lot about him.... not good.

PLP_Catastrophe says...
