Comment history

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Brilliantly written, on point, and yes, this is certainly the path we are currently on, TheMadHatter.

PLP_Catastrophe says...

My BEC bill this month is more than my monthly mortgage payment and my house been in more darkness than light !!. **The common hard working men and women are finding it difficult to survive in this country NOW, and now they goin to put VAT on top of BEC? the Plips and their cronies need to pay up...has Wendell Jones paid, yet?


PLP_Catastrophe says...

This is pure 100% bullsh-t from Christy, yet again: fire wells!!

On Christie: I decide on Wells future

Posted 10 August 2014, 11:36 a.m. Suggest removal

PLP_Catastrophe says...

Haitians have overtaken our airwaves, inciting/uniting “their people”. Their voices need to be shut down a.s.a.p., this is serious, and they need to carry their you-know-whats back to Haiti where they are sending every penny they make here,choosing to live like rats in shantytowns but enriching Haiti and Martelly and bringing disease by crapping up our soil by their filth, human waste in our water table - Chickungunya? Cock fighting and coal production still continuing?