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PWGenesis says...

A temple of politics, the Bahamas House of Assembly, that failed to keep up with change, Parliament the symbol of the Bahamas status as a nation for generations the Caribbean basin epic financial center, has got to erect an new and awesome Parliament complex to respect the growth of the country and people.

On PWGenesis

Posted 27 November 2015, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

The Redemption of the Bahamas and Our Youth" Let us move forward to rid the islands of the plague of crime. Bahamas independence day is here again. What has the duly elected government 1969 - 1997? 1998 - 2013 done in the name of We the people????????? Note Well:
The apparent boycott by the FNM has been noted.I am still blessed

On PWGenesis

Posted 18 April 2015, 2:33 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

The Redemption of the Bahamas and Our Youth" Let us move forward to rid the islands of the plague of crime. Bahamas independence day is here again. What has the duly elected government 1969 - 1997? 1998 - 2013 done in the name of We the people?????????

sir lynden o. pindling 1930 -2000

- if one forgets the past, one is bound to repeat it -

When the definitive history of the Bahamas is written many years from now, the chapters devoted to the 20th century will, in large measure, represent a biography of Lynden Oscar Pindling.

Whether it was the struggle for majority rule; or the crusade against racial, social and economic injustice; or the victorious march to National Independence; or the massive educational programme which catapulted thousands of Bahamians to the top echelons of our society, spawning in the process a new middle class to backbone the country’s long-term stability; or the policy of Bahamianization which put Bahamians first in their own country; or the creation of a modern social security system to provide for the sick, the elderly and the indigent under the umbrella of National Insurance; or the creation of national institutions as varied as the Royal Bahamas Defence Force; The Central Bank of The Bahamas; Bahamasair; and The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas; or the major role he played on the international scene in securing the release of Nelson Madela and in furthering the cause for freedom and majority rule in South Africa - in all of these things and scores of others, it was Lynden Pindling who led the way for the Bahamian people over a span of forty years and more.

No one has had a greater and more enduring influence on the creation of the modern Bahamas.

The Redemption of the Bahamas and Our Youth" Let us move forward to rid the islands of the plague of crime. Bahamas independence day is here again. What has the duly elected government 1969 - 1997? 1998 - 2013 done in the name of We the people????????? .

On PWGenesis

Posted 28 February 2014, 2:57 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

Imagine Bahamas beyond 2014 with a patriotic nationalist government that set up and establishes a functional people oriented regime with the following for the betterment of the people:

a) S.O.R.S (Strategic Oil Reserve Supply)
To minimize the lack of petroleum throughout the territories and the maintenance /regulation of fair pricing & market stability.

b) B.M.T.S (Bahamas Maritime Tracking System)
i.e. Installed in all mail boats etc plying the national waters for a minimal fee.
c) N.C.M (National Cellular market) – deregulation and opening cellular services to competition.
d) I.I.A.T ( Inter island Air Transportation).
e) I.I.T.B ( Inter island tourism board).
f) New postal rates for mass mailers/advertisers/bulk mailers.
g) Housing department that renders residents a helping hand not a hand-out.
h) B.T.A. ( Bahamas Transportation Authority) A semi –quasi agency that administers the mass movement of people in New Providence island and throughout the island nation.
i) National Prescription Drug plan to ensure the pricing of imported drugs may be cost effective and more reasonally priced.
Now we can Bahamas.

On Maynergy

Posted 31 October 2013, 3:36 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

" The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (known as the Bahamas); since the birth of independence July 10th 1973, is urged to established a "Comprehensive public transportation" system (cpt) to benefit and safeguard the integrity of mass transportation for ALL the people." for details.

On PWGenesis

Posted 19 September 2013, 11:48 a.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

"now we can bahamas"
Excellent website to explore:

CRS assists willing parties and explores opportunities to develop and implement local strategies that can help law enforcement, local officials, civil rights organizations, and interested community groups respond to alleged hate crimes and find ways to prevent future incidents.

State and local law enforcement officials and community leaders may contact CRS to request assistance in improving communication between law enforcement and community members in the aftermath of a hate crime. CRS may help facilitate dialogues between law enforcement and community members to increase mutual understanding about the investigative and prosecutorial process as well as the concerns of people in the community.

CRS improves community response mechanisms, by facilitating the development of community capacity to help prevent hate crimes with services and programs that include: conciliation, mediation, training, technical assistance, and other tension reduction techniques.

CRS may introduce the community to representatives of agencies that respond to hate crimes, including federal, state, and local law enforcement officials, local government resources as well as community organizations (advocacy organizations, and other service organizations).

CRS also responds to requests for assistance from law enforcement and community organizations for contingency planning and self-marshalling training before large protests or events to help keep events safe. We facilitate meetings between all parties involved, and serve as a neutral entity to ensure logistics are coordinated and that information is shared appropriately.

On PWGenesis

Posted 18 September 2013, 2:59 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

" now we can...bahamas.."

The proposed deal is a sham and should have never been made with such
a marginal annual leased agreement of AND at small amount of $25,000.
The proposed or planned usage is unclear and it is now up to the Mr
Nygard who for whatever reasons does seem to suggest a distrust of the
indigenous people of the Bahamas.
We hope for further clarity as this matter is detailed.
Hopefully this format may be used when locals seek lease of Crown land
in the Family islands.
Thank you.

On PWGenesis

Posted 27 August 2013, 12:39 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

" now we can bahamas" The issue with the Cubans could have been proactively resolved. Further taking into account that MICAL islands (Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Acklins and Long Cay) sits in the nation of the Bahamas mostly close to the Terrorism camp known as Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The fact that the Americans or other third parties have been given a number of blank checks to privy these matters remains tepidly certain that the interests of these islands may need protection. Therefore, this matter could have benefitted the wider agenda of greater assistance(s) in a number of areas that seems vulnerable:Example: Maritime affairs, illegal fishing in the waters of the Bahamas,the lingering boats people migrants, trans-shipment of illicits, fly over rights and the list continues.

On PWGenesis

Posted 27 August 2013, 12:12 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

now we can bahamas" The issue with the Cubans could have been proactively resolved. Further taking into account that MICAL islands (Mayaguana, Inagua, Crooked Acklins and Long Cay) sits in the nation of the Bahamas mostly close to the Terrorism camp known as Guantanamo Bay Cuba. The fact that the Americans have been given a number of blank checks to privy these matters remains tepidly certain that the interests of these islands may need protection. Therefore, this matter could have benefitted the wider agenda of greater assistance(s) in a number of areas that seems vulnerable:Example: Maritime affairs, illegal fishing in the waters of the Bahamas, the lingering boats people migrants, trans-shipment of illicits, fly over rights and the list continues.

On Mitchell: FNM stance 'sickening'

Posted 26 August 2013, 5:59 p.m. Suggest removal

PWGenesis says...

This is a great piece that needs careful thought

On PWGenesis

Posted 26 August 2013, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal